

Shared on Wed, 06/21/2006 - 10:04

Vexire Fortes had their second Pro ladder match last night. I was supposed to lead them to victory, but I got food poisioning and had to call out sick. My replacement was at practice, but he wasnt part of the team that I was gearing up towards this match (he got to play vs that team). I also screwed up big and geared my team to play CTF Sanc as if there were no sinpers on the map and to push and control the PPs. Sorry guys!

So since I was not part of the carnage last night here is a quick report and links for the games from NeoOblivion (known as gq123 on 2o2p)

TS Midship: Check it

I dont think we did all that bad. I think it was close most of the way through, and we came back after getting punched in the mouth at the beginning. After our mid game push, Beholder pointed out that they changed their tactics against us. We never made adjustments to for this.

CTF Sanctuary: Check it

Having the Sniper on the map screwed us from the get go. We were not expecting this or prepared for this. Out of the 4 guys we had, we didnt have a great sniper (for that matter, I dont think we have a great sniper on our ladder team). Thet got us on the defensive and we were never able to really reverse the game back at them.

KOTH Lockout: Check it

We got kick[ed] pretty much the whole game. I cant think of any point where we at least had some control during this game. I started thinking about this game and we didnt have a good mindset. Every 2 minutes the plot moves to a different spot. These changes go in a specific order. We should have used this by setting up the next position when the old plot had 10 seconds or less to go. Im pretty sure they did this to us. We will need to draw out player positions for each plot location to offer the best protection to the objective guy.

Good match Four Shot Kill!



XSSmoke's picture
Submitted by XSSmoke on Wed, 06/21/2006 - 10:28
Good games guys! Thanks for the write-up lithium, nice job. :-)
eksessiv's picture
Submitted by eksessiv on Wed, 06/21/2006 - 11:10
Yea, good games you all. Nice write up
th3midnighter's picture
Submitted by th3midnighter on Wed, 06/21/2006 - 11:10
Nice game boys. Glad to see the good sportsmanship regardless of the outcome. Its a refreshing change. Any time you guys wanna scrim against us, send me or eks an PM.

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