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Shared on Sun, 08/13/2006 - 14:30
Mmmmm! 2o2p MLG Saturday Nights rule! Caesar did an awesome job running the bracket. Things went very smooth and there was no confusion as to who the next team to play was. Good work Caesar!!!

First Match: Vexire Fortes vs Team Vulgarity

Game One
Team Ball Midship

INTENSE!!! Team Ball is not my favorite. In fact I would place it on the bottom of the list right next to 'Tower of Power'. Put that ball on a map like Midship and it gets even more nuts.
Vulgarity's (and everyother team) strat was to put the ball on the bottom of either of the base and defend from there. This allows the ballman to go up the lift to gain a few extra seconds and lets the team respawn so the other team doesn't have too much time to set up. Attacking this set-up drives me crazy! Its like trying to get my daughter inside the house when she doesn't want to . Two clear out ball defenders forcing ball man up the lift where the other two are waiting for him on top base. Rinse. Set-up. Lose ball. Repeat.
I like what we were doing with the ball. It threw them off, as well as disrupt their set-up to the point where the ball was not in the same friggin' base all game. What VF did that game was put ballman top base, pink side door; put one on base side egg; one on pink two and the last on pink side ramp either base side. What this ended up doing is mess with their spwaning and when Carbine man died, ball man would move pink into the other base. If the other team routed the ballman before he reached the other base and set-up could be re-established, the ball would be in the middle of pink and they would have a lot harder of a time getting the bottom base set-up back together. Dynamic.
I had a lot of fun that game. The most enjoyable ball game that I have ever played. It was a close match all the way up to the very last minute where we were able to put enough time on the score to seal the deal. With 40 seconds left I hear Vulgarity saying, "Not enough time left. They got this one. And sure enough with 10 seconds left, iBEHOLDER grabs the ball and caps the last 6 seconds for the 5 minute score win.
Good Game Vulgarity!

Game Two
Team Slayer Lockout

I'm not going to bore you with the details on this one. Slayer on Lockout ends up being a real estate war with all contenders vieing for a chunk of BR Tower. VF won the deed in the early game along with custody of the Sniper Rifle and kept a modest lead of no less than 5. That was till the Sniper Rifle ran out. Then when the sniper (me) died we gave up the keys to Vulgarity and settled for the 1 bedroom condo that is the Sniper Tower.
Oh it got ugly over in the Sniper Tower! They managed to tie us and keep me from getting the sniper rifle. It took me 4 respawns before I could get it and of course, as soon as I got it, they over took the Sniper Tower and got back to BR side.
After that it became a frag fest on BR side and the lead was changing hands till the very last kill! Oh it felt so good to breath again after the game was over!
Good Game Vulgarity!

We advance into the second portion of the winners bracket!

Second Match: Vexire Fortes vs. Moe's Hoes

Game One
Team Ball Midship

Oh dear god. We got out slayed. We didn't try to run the set-up that we did in the last match. So, bottom Blue became the final resting place for many of my Spartans. Moe's Hoes pull ahead early and never give us a chance to make it a close game. At least I got a couple of memorable sticks out of it. The big one being sticking Budman on pink two as he whips out the sword, jumps in the air straight above my head and says, "Oh shit!"
Awesome game guys!

Game Two
Team Slayer Lockout

Pay no attention to Lithiums deaths... Uh, its a malfunction on! I swear!!!
Yeah, I was the liabilty in that game. The sniper rifle got blown off the map and Moe's Hoes didn't add it up until almost mid game. I could tell because when we held BR Tower for the first half, I would put 3 rounds into Budman or Darth as they checked the snipe spawn. Budman got me back for that stick by doing a retarded (retarded means real good in New England) BXR to me in the Library. He was hiding behind one of the half walls cause a couple 'nades took his shields down. So I figure lets walk up there and finish the job. La la la, turn the corner, BAM! Done sir done! Sorry guys, Lith thought he was Rambo that game!
Good game Moe's Hoes

To the losers bracket with ourselves!

Third Match: Vexire Fortes vs. Team Teabags

Game one
Team Ball Midship

We decide to do what Moe's Hoes did to us and go all slayer on their asses. Well that didn't turn out to well and again one of the bottom bases turned into a mass Spartan grave. I completely under estimated their team. At the start of this tourney, two of their players didn't show and had two free agents take their place. So I figured we had the upper hand of playing with eachother on a consistant basis and having team unity and mentality. Well I think I lost my job as a team handicapper. They did a fantastic job holding the ball and always kept us 30 seconds away from the lead. Don't remember to much more as it was late in the night and I don't like team ball (but I didn't sloop onl my preformance)...
Good game!

Game Two
Team Slayer Lockout

Who needs a sniper rifle anyways.... It got blown off the map again. I like dieing apparently. MoRon was a mortar cannon, thowing 'nades from sinpe side to ruin my day. And we tie the match 1-1 with a iBEHOLDER that only died three times. I think my skill set took the night off or something...
Good game!

Game Three
Team CTF Warlock

Asskicking in isle VF! Ya, we got TROUNCED! They pulled the old 'Hide the Spartan in our Base' trick and we didn't pick up on it till late. I got my ass moped all over that map. They did an excellent job hiding our flag when we had theirs. And I died a lot again.... Snifle
Wait, let me pull this BR outta my ass, OK... Good game!!!

VF returns home with heads held high

All in all our little team is coming together nicely. It feels fantastic to attend an event like this and not lose everygame wicked bad. It was also very laid back and fun! I hope that all the upcoming matches and tourneys can have this same aire of easygoingness (not a real word I know). Good stuff everyone!!!


budman24's picture
Submitted by budman24 on Sun, 08/13/2006 - 20:27
Damn you and that stick but yeah the BXah (new england for BXR)got you back biatch :)
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Sun, 08/13/2006 - 22:30
im glad everyone had a good time, i had a blast. all the games were super close and everyone was very cool about it. althought things ran a little late on the tourney side of it, i was just glad everyone showed up and had a good time, thanks again for the great games, great article and playing!
LaudTrevlin's picture
Submitted by LaudTrevlin on Mon, 08/14/2006 - 09:48
nice write up as always lith...thanks to Caesar's well run tourney i think we are seeing VF Pro really come together!

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