

Shared on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 11:35

First off, Good Match last night Jerry's Kids. Second, don't misinterpret this as a bitch about a loss or me trying to point fingers, its not. Jerry's Kids would have won no matter what, they laid down superior cross-fire and amazing grenades. I have no gripe about their wins, especially since they played under the same circumstances that we did. This is more of me venting about my piss poor attitude and performance and what playing under different settings did to my mindset.

SECONDARY WEAPONS: Now, no where in the 2o2p Ladder Rules does it say that Secondary Weapons should be set to 'None'. So by default, the Secondary Weapon is set to 'Map Default'. What that means is we played all three games with a secondary weapon; SMG for TS Lockout, Pistol for KotH Sanc and NB Midship. With everyone else that I played with on any MLG gametype we had no Secondary weapon. So everytime I respawn and go to pick-up a shotgun for example, I would throw down my BR and be left with a pistol or SMG and have to waste time standing in one spot trying to pick the BR back-up...

TS Lockout: No timer, SMG as secondary weapon

Check it

All fine and dandy coming into the match. We spawn in the snipe tower. I go for the Sniper Rifle. When I reach the Snipe Elbow/Shortcut I slow and do a jump to see if anyone is getting ready to blast the fusion cores before I grab the Sniper Rifle. At the top of my jump, I somehow fly forward and end up going off the map. Shit, I'm -1 and will be for while. After I respawn I realize ther is no timer and I have a SMG. I let all that shit get to me....

However, as I sit here and write this, I realize that my whole current state of life got to me. A lot of crap has been handed to me lately and I usually let Halo burn it all up, but last night Halo gave me crap. I let too much get to me last night and it shows, esply in the TS... I went 6-21, by far my worst preformance ever... But I choose to learn from this and become better for that...

KotH Sanctuary: Five second respawn, Pistola as secondary weapon

Check it

VF vs Profanity w/ 10 sec respawn (notice the difference in kill totals)

So, I wash it all away from me, like I'm supposed to and should have done. Our team is good at this and we know what to do. For some reason, we are god-awful at taking the hill in top center and we start the game off like we do in every other KotH in this map. The game was neck and neck for quite some time with the lead being exchanged often. We were simply out slayed, Kevtek17 was in a leauge of his own for the whole match. I think half his kills were from amazing grenades planted expertly to do the most damage. With the 5 second respawn it turned into a knee deep in gore hill and the corpses were flyin'!!!

NB Midship: God I hate assault (assault on my nerves is more like it) and I didn't use Eks sagely wisdom...

Check it

Yeah, I'm a tard and hind-sight is 20/20.... For 2/3 of the game we were at a stalemate. Then magically the bomb along with two other VF'ers were in their base arming! The armer got picked off but the second one (NeoOblivion) wisely held back and waited for backup. I arrived in the base, along with the other not dead VF'er, and I grabbed the bomb and armed the Mo-Fo... However, I didn't let the guys know when I was 2 seconds away from the arm to give them time to get out.... So I blow 3/4 of the team away. Jerrys Kids pick up the bomb in the center and use the fact that we are three down to get the score. Foolishly we all rush in to try to stop the arm and polish them off immediatly after the arm. So I was top base with no enemies near by so Beholder respawns right next to me as soon as the Bomb goes off... The whole team is dead.... They score again....

What we should have done was let them get the first arm and try to monoploize on the fact that at least two of them were down and try to push from the center.... But we didn't.....


So, good match Jerry's Kids!!! I need to learn to hang up all my baggage before getting on-line and quickly wash away any stupid mistake that I make or any weird circumstance that may befall me...




eksessiv's picture
Submitted by eksessiv on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 11:41
Yea that kind of stinks the respawn time was 5 seconds. Should've been 10. Nice games though
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 14:20
The ladder follows 2006 MLG rules. 2006 MLG rules clearly state: NO secondary weapon for any game, any map. Respawn Times: Always 5 seconds for slayer games. Always 10 seconds for Objective games.

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