
Shared on Thu, 07/14/2011 - 12:02

 * STILL UNEMPLOYED ... many interviews but no job offers yet .... Anyone in the Richmond, VA even hiring? is my age killing my chances? what am i doing wrong? thinking i may need to contact "dislocation services"


* YOUTUBE channels still active

+++ "Gaming channel" ... [Mostly black ops, having some fun]

**** Daily Vlogs ...


* Looking to find some Cod and Gears heads for some evening fun, not that i DON'T have an EVENING job anynore

** could easily get into it seriously .... but that whole "i need an income higher than unemployment" thing keeps me from doing that

** probably feel better if i had more friends OFFLINE, than ONLINE #JustSayin


* Speaking of Gears, both my birthday (9/5) and Gears 3 in the SAME MONTH ... wooooohoooo


The wife and I are still happy ... in october, be 5 years dating and 1.5 years married .... stll blows my mind ...  A HALF A DECADE we've been together.  And she doing the video game thing on her channel,, along with a "collab" channel of sorts (wife and I),, currently a mix of video games and "weekly vlogs". I was thinkiing the other day thiugh, does the seven year itch thing still apply today or at 5 years strong, dont even think it. We will be at MAGFEST X (www.magfest,org) ... PAX EAST earilier this year was a HONEYMOON we wont forget


I am hopiing to be more active here .... been a member for a long time .... I still miss those BURNOUT nights and HALO training days ... and as of right now, dont think of many i could invite ..... although i could "shout out" this site on my youtube daily vlogs, and be like "for an invite, shoot me a PM" hehehehe


and for the record, LOVING duke nukem forever and the "BALLS OF STEEL" edition


Until next next time,

Jesse "PyroFenixVA"/"Lucent97" here




TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Thu, 07/14/2011 - 12:49
I hear ya man. How many interviews do you go on for the same job? Seems like these days it's a minimum of three before they make a decision spread out over at least a month. I just went on one and interviewed with 7 people and at the end was told they'd let me know if i'll be invited back for the next round. Seriously? You can't make a decision based on a phone interview and coming here today and talking with seven people ?! Companies aren't interested in hiring they're just interested in looking like they're hiring. I even left my wife, house and dog in California to look for work up here in Washington state where we havef amily. I figured i'd give it 6 weeks, well i'm getting up to that mark now. I have three companies i'm in process with but they all need further rounds of reassurance. If none of these work out, i'm going across the boarder and leaving this country to work in canada where it's a lot more prosperous at the moment. The leadership in this country looks like they're just happy arguing over non-issues like debt ceilings and other such bullshit and positioning themselves for 2012 elections rather than putting people back to work. So I may need to leave the US for 5 years or so to find work.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Thu, 07/14/2011 - 21:20
hang in there Pyro. I have been laid off for almost 2 years now...Just got to keep on, keeping on!

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