Shared on Mon, 06/09/2008 - 23:15So I know that a lot of you have been seeing me play gross amounts of time on this game. Some of you prolly wonder if you should try this game because of it so here comes the review.
***STOP*** Before you even think about this game know that you have to have a team to play it. In a few weeks time when everyone has figured out how to play this game you will not be able to go in and win single handedly. This is team tactics at his hardest and no matter how you play it there is no single player that can carry a team.
So here's the break down. There are 2 teams that you can play Strogg (the aliens) or GDF (humans). There are 3 main game types: Objective, Stopwatch, and Campaign. And there are 5 classes: Soldier, Engineer, Field Ops, Covert Ops, and Medic. These classes have different names as Strogg but the symbols stay the same. Essientally each class is the same for human and strogg but the perks are a little different for each of the races.
For instance a Strogg Medic has the ability to create a "spawn host" in which the medic alters a dead humans body so if the medic (or whichever Strogg that claims it) dies they respawn at that point. Strogg medics health packs are also ammo packs. Where as the human medic can not create spawn host and their health packs only give health BUT they can drop unlimited supply crates which provide both.
Alright since we have a brief understanding of classes (and I do mean brief) we'll talk about game play. Quake wars has 12 maps: 3 maps to a campaign. Each map has between 2-4 objectives that have to be completed to win the map. Strogg 90% of the time is defense and GDF is 90% offense. There are some maps in which it switches. Objective gameplay is for a single map only. Campaign is for all three maps to a campaign. And stopwatch is a single map where one team will play the map and set a time for completion then you switch sides and try to bet that time. You pick a class to play (and can change classes during the game). Each class has different tools that you can use as well as each objective has a particular class that has to complete it (there are a few objectives that any class can complete). Each class has tools that can be used to help to complete objectives. For instance Field Ops can make mortar cannons and artilery cannons and call airstrikes. Engineers can repair any vehicle for you race and build mining lasers, towers and other things. Covert Ops can wear disguises pulled off dead bodies to look like the opposing team as well as drop radars. Soldiers can blow up selected walls and enemy vehicles/equipment by planting time-delayed bombs. Theres so much that each class can do that I would be sitting here all day typing them so if you pick up the game I'll be more than happy to show you what I know. (That's right there's so much that after 25 hours of game play I am stilling learning things that these classes can do.) There are tons of vehicles from helicopters to tanks to ATVs.
SO... here's my two cents on the overall game. When I first picked this game up I hated it... absolutely hated it... there's so much going on that you stay confused probably through the first 4 hours you play it. But once you understand the basics of whats going on it all changes and now I absolutely love this game. Its definitely a rent it first title as I would say a majority of people will not like it because it's complex and takes time to learn. It's done on a quake engine which means that its fast (makes COD4 look sluggish fast). Which also means that there is a mean auto-aim system necessary for the game play. But trust me it's necessary and easy to break off from. The graphics are not bad but not cutting edge but that's because the maps are HUGE and you already have a nice 2 minute load screen at the start of the game (but it's the only load screen... there's no load time in game). The maps are so big that the same maps on the PC version support up to 32 players comfortably but the x360 version only supports to 18 (same maps mind you). It's still glitchy but no more so than and non-beta test LIVE game... give them time for a patch and problem solved. And besides all I really notice is that sometimes I can jump in vehicles on the ground floor when I am standing on the top floor of a building. The maps are 100% playable... if you fly to the top of a skyskraper you can be on it sniping of calling in strikes. I am truley enjoying this game so much that I am finding it hard to pull myself away to go play other games. And by the way if you reading other reviews of this game you may want to rethink before you pass judgement... there are a lot of misconceptions...
- LucifersPearl's blog
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