Shared on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 11:41
Yes I know I just did a review this week. But there was such a buzz on this one I just had to try it out. So in my opinion this is like a Simcity board game. Bascially you chose a civilization and decide where you want it to go and what you want it to do. For instance do you want a republic, democracy, fuedalism, yada yada. Do you want to nuke everyone or be religious zealots. Do you want to watch India totally pwn your ass with rocket ships... so on and so forth.
This is just one of those games that you kinda lose yourself in for a couple hours only to look up at the clock and realize you should have gone to bed hours ago but you really want Japan out of your city so maybe just fifteen more minutes.
So if there's anything to learn from this game is that democracy sucks (from the games point of view). So here I am developing my three little cities making peace treaties with everyone when here comes my allie Japan. "Japan has just taken over your city." WTF I just spent thirty minutes developing that SOB F*** you this is war. So you have all these armies you've developed and you go to attack and here comes the kicker... "Sorry but the people vetoed your decision." WHAT THE HELL... But they just took MY city... screw the people that was MY city. To no avail... I lost my city. Bastards... If you're gonna play this just become a dictator and nuke em all... it's not that simple and there's no dictators... DAMN!!!
The game play is average and the graphics are average. Overall its an average game but it's addictive. I could see myself playing it for hours on end EXCEPT that it cost $60. This should be a market place arcade game at best and I'll be more than happy to pick it up when it comes down under $30. Don't get me wrong I don't not like it... I just don't think its worth that kinda money. But if you're looking for a single player game that you can just stick in and not have to worry about Timmies and your contact drying out from too much FPS then its probably a game you'd enjoy.
So I know this is kinda break from the FPS/shooter genres I normally play but I do enjoy other games as well. Really wether or not you like this one comes down to what kind of game you enjoy. If you don't mind the turn-based system and strategy games you may very well like this game. But if action and fast paced games are what you're looking for may I suggest another game. Overrall I had mixed emotions about this game.
I kept picking egyptian and I don't know why...
Okay maybe I do know why... but I am just not admitting it...
Current ratings:
IGN 8.8
Gamespot 8.3
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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 06/22/2011 - 20:07
Submitted by BrodysDad46 on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 11:56
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 12:22
Submitted by TANK on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 12:41