Unreal Tournament 3


Shared on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 10:46


Alright so I have to sit down for this one because let me tell ya... this game is pure bliss...

So when I first started playing the game I noticed right off the bat that I needed to change my configuration settings so I hopped off and looked at the options... OMG... I almost creamed myself just with the configurations options alone. On top of the normal look sensitivity and such there are a million other options. Basically if you were to take any bitch you've ever heard about any game UT3 has a set up for you to fix it. For instance I can change my turning speed (what a concept). I get to decide how I want to drive my vehicles and how my map reads directions (fixed north & south or moves while I move). AND GET THIS... are you prepared... this is the ultimate... I CAN REMOVE THE OBNOXIOUS GUN OFF MY HUD OR MAKE IT SHOW SMALLER!!! What does that mean... oh that I don't have a gun blocking my view. I mean c'mon I can even chose which hand that gun goes in. I mean this game is designed for competitive play... and you can fix you configs to fit your game style... SWEET!!!

Okay so after I literally giggles over the awesomeness of the configurations alone I then started up the game. OH Epic how I love thee. So pretty... done with the true unreal/epic feel. But some of the characters do look a little familar...


It's okay though... I'll forgive you because... THAT'S ALL I HAVE TO SAY BAD ABOUT THIS GAME!!!!

So let's talk multiplayer functions...
Sooo many maps...
The most balanced weapon system you've seen in like ummmm forever...
Smooth gameplay...
Fast but still slower than PC versions...
Tons of gametypes... (CTF, Territories, deathmatch, instagib... etc)...
WTF... DEDICATED SERVERS... no host advantage for gb... o

So I was talking to Istassi (stacey) about this game and the question came up. "Why did everyone hate this game?" Well a simple answer was brought up and I agree with it. The PS3 version was the first unreal engine played on that console. X360 already had an unreal engine game (Gears of War) and we all knew that there were glitches in it. But not this game. I really don't even know if they'll have to patch it... that's how perfect they made this game. Graphics are there, game play is there, online co-op there, game variants there, etc.

So in conclusion this game has absolutely floored me. Thank you epic for not cutting corners the wait was well worth the end product. You're following valve in making sure you're getting quality not quantity on the market. And I can't wait to play Gears of War 2 now.

Verdict: If you haven't played it yet you should go buy it... take your BF:BC in as a trade (ok that was a low blow but I sticking with it roflmao)





Here's the IGN review... and from my perspective... they only have little things to complain about as well...
Oh and thank Microsoft for not allowing the custom maps...
http://xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/7466 ... 70708.html

Current ratings...
IGN 8.5
Gamespot 8.3


BrokenDesign's picture
Submitted by BrokenDesign on Mon, 01/29/2007 - 09:06
I'm up there with your opinion, UT > Halo 2. It's going to be awesome to get back to more classic UT roots for the gameplay and get those new vehicles like the Necris walker. Should be an absolutely huge game and the fact that it's coming to the 360 tickles me in a special place. Excellent, excellent preview you've provided!
BalekFekete's picture
Submitted by BalekFekete on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 10:49
Getting at lunchtime today - will look forward to letting you frag me with other AOWers soon.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 10:54
how does the multiplayer aspect perform... How many friends/teammates can you have in one match? can you give a little more info on the multiplayer aspect.
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 11:01
I'm also not sad about the lack of customized maps....I sorry to admit it, but I always fucking hate other people's maps in Halo....*there I said it...sorry world*
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 06/10/2011 - 05:02
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 11:02
Erpss...Read your post wrong. So maybe I'm the only one that doesn't care about custom maps.
LucifersPearl's picture
Submitted by LucifersPearl on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 11:09
sure... the mp holds up to 16 but performs very much like halo series with btb... you have to push right on the d-pad for speech... there are a multitude of game types from classics like ctf and a territories type game that is similar to TF2 goldrush... you have to daisy-chain control points and them capture the objective... basically its like any other PC (and i stress PC let us forever forget the xbox versions) unreal tournament... there are large maps that have vehicles and smaller maps that do not... each map has a range of number of players that play on it... the dedicated server option is nice but if you're the server you can only spectate which makes it useful for competitive play but not for casual... but you don't have to play with dedicated you can change it to listen and the game selects the best host... there are ranked matches but i did not play any last night so I will get back with you on how those are set up... there are no unlockable weapons and all weapons are grabs on map... each weapon has a different respawn time... the bigger the gun the longer the respawn... but otherwise if you pick up a rocket cannon watch out cause there's gonna be another coming up right behind it... there is no reloading you run out of ammo you drop the weapon and reloads are few and only for select guns... each weapon has a primary and secondary fire control... there is a slight auto aim system but its very limited and also removable... there are armor and shield powerups as well as health packs and health viles... the viles can boost your health meter to up to 200%... the packs only heal you to 100%... and the armor only lowers hit damage it does not prevent it... the shield prevents damage but basically performs like a seconday health meter... neither the shield nor the armor restore health... let me know if you want something more specific...
eStalker's picture
Submitted by eStalker on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 12:45
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 13:03
Spooky's picture
Submitted by Spooky on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 13:21
Nice write up, now I may pick this up.
IsNotNull's picture
Submitted by IsNotNull on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 13:35
So, you like the game?
Hetfield's picture
Submitted by Hetfield on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 14:42
The game rocks!

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