

Shared on Mon, 04/23/2007 - 15:27
i dont wanna take on a side but this journal has a point


italianguy's picture
Submitted by italianguy on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 15:59
Well I feel your pain Stryker about watching the 3-13 teams been a dolphins fan for too many years.........
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 08:30
Go Irish!!!! :)
twistedcaboose's picture
Submitted by twistedcaboose on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 08:31
mmmmmm football :)
DeltaT's picture
Submitted by DeltaT on Mon, 04/23/2007 - 15:51
Ugh I remember that game and that headline.........I think it was Crowell that ran out of bounds...
WallyBR's picture
Submitted by WallyBR on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 09:15
Bandwagon jumper. :p
Stryker927's picture
Submitted by Stryker927 on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 10:03
I don't jump bandwagons, I love all football and teams equally. :) Well except New England, Florida, and Michigan. :D
jikado's picture
Submitted by jikado on Tue, 04/24/2007 - 10:50
I can verify that that paper is real, I still have my copy somewhere. I could never confirm if the picture and headline were intentional or not. I think it was, and someone at the paper has a good sense of humor.

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