Humor or not


Shared on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 09:38
i think people ar eseeign what i am doing with too much serious.

Dont forget that a blog is a weblog where youcan drive out what your feelings are and you state of mind ...
and sometimes state of mind is completely tired and stoopid...

its been 19 days now i work in a row what i cannot be tired and do somefunny things

-2 you people think that life is too serious for your own good



SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 09:46
which post got a -2?
Lunatik-ZX's picture
Submitted by Lunatik-ZX on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 09:54
the stupid one i did yesterday in a rage of stupidity LAWL

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