2 Drinks


Shared on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 15:49

one healthy, one probably not so healthy.

drink 1. if you have a juicer, combine 2 apples and 4 carrots. tastes fuckin great. make sure they are big apples and medium size carrots. leave the skin on the apples but remove the core. just scrape the carrots clean.

drink 2. this one will probably be the more popular one. mix rum and coke the way you normally would, BUT do NOT use regular rum. use capt. morgan SPICED rum! then, coat the rim of the glass the way you would with a margarita but with BROWN SUGAR. it's not a real cuba libre. i call it a cuba vida.


MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 15:57
Why do you think the juice is not so healthy?
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 16:00
I drink the tears of Japanese students when I kill their pet Sharks
TheCarnivalAngel's picture
Submitted by TheCarnivalAngel on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 16:09
Rabb...they're not crying cause you killed their sharks...they're crying cause my cock is rammed half way up there...oh wait...shit, there's no NSFW tag on here...alright I'll quiet down.
LuxDevil67's picture
Submitted by LuxDevil67 on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 16:11
wait till i sneak into your homes one night with a very angry baboon.
DrTHE0P0LIS's picture
Submitted by DrTHE0P0LIS on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 17:58
Baboons make poor tiger bait. Too small. A dog is ideal. Also, blot your pussy dry and drink your liquor straight like a man.
SUPimp's picture
Submitted by SUPimp on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 18:02
Japanese students have pet sharks?!?!? No wonder they kick our ass in science. It's like shark week 24/7 over there.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 18:05
PS I thumbed this blog up because 1) no sharks and b) yay alcohol
char's picture
Submitted by char on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 20:05
I drink crap like that...lol, I do. I make my own applesauce; it's really good. Just leave out the carrots and bam, bam, you've got mail...I mean applesauce. You should see the green crap I drink. It looks so bad, but darn I feel like Superman after drinking it. Wait, that should be Superwoman.

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