Be kind to sharks!


Shared on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 10:46

When people picture sharks, they picture teeth. Sharks are more than just teeth and they are not there to eat you. They pose a very tiny threat. Believe me, we do way more harm to sharks than they will EVER do to us! People don't see sharks as fish, most of them see them as threats. The media has portrayed them as killing objects to the point that they're not looked upon as living things anymore.

While i was at Cape May Point a few days ago i saw some kid running around with a fish he had caught. It looked like a baby blue shark from where i was and i could see it's tail thrashing around a bit. Everybody wanted to see it, or touch it or take a picture of it. It didn't occur to anyone that it was dying and it was a waste as no one could eat it or do anything much at all with it. Now if there had been a kid holding a puppy underwater there would have been a huge commotion, but since it was a shark, then it must be ok, right?

By the time i got to it, it was dead. But hey, everyone got their pictures...


Guardian's picture
Submitted by Guardian on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 18:58
That's a great post. Have you thought about checking into any wildlife organizations? I get things from Defenders of Wildlife and the Sierra Club a lot- news, petitions to sign, that sort of thing. I'm really into wolves, which, like the shark, have been labeled vicious beasts for decades. Several northern/pacific northwest states have even vowed to exterminate them. The wildlife groups work hard to not only fight in the courts for the animals, but to educate the public. If you're interested, I'll do a little research and see if they do anything for sharks and let you know.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 19:15
+1 blog Foxes as well. They hunt them for sports, shoot them for fur and fun. It's sad how the animal kingdom is used and abused. I have a baby fox I help out, it's name is Sequoia. I do what I can where I can.
RogueRose's picture
Submitted by RogueRose on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 20:32
It seems to me that when it comes to animals, both on dry land and in the water, there are some mighty ignorant, uncaring and uneducated people out there.
LuxDevil67's picture
Submitted by LuxDevil67 on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 22:27
what's really screwed up is that a lot of organisations like to work in "hip" areas. you can get someone to volunteer in Miami, but not so much Seaside Heights. why? because we don't have pretty tropical fish, that's why. ah, the world.
shred1's picture
Submitted by shred1 on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 23:24
No doubt sharks get a bad rap. I've dove with sharks all over the world and most are just surviving like the rest of us. Although I did have a friend get bit in half by a white above Ft. Bragg a few years back.Randy Fry would be the last to kill sharks just for being sharks.
LuxDevil67's picture
Submitted by LuxDevil67 on Sun, 07/27/2008 - 10:04
when we enter the water, it's their territority, not ours. we bocome part of the food chain...sort of. as in most cases, the victim dies from the bite, not from being eaten alive. once the shark tastes us, it realizes we're not a fish or seal and goes away. of course a bite from a white or bull can also easily kill someone. however, the point is that sharks are not LOOKING for people. if it looks like a seal and acts like a seal...but once the shark realizes we don't TASTE like a seal it usually goes away. usually. i'm a firm believer that if a shark is starving due to being injured or whatever the case may be, he's gonna eat whatever he can catch. but like i said, we entered their territory. but, feel free to compare the amount of people killed by sharks to the number of people killed by dogs.
Guardian's picture
Submitted by Guardian on Sun, 07/27/2008 - 20:55
I found a few websites you might be interested in. You might already know about them, but thought I'd offer them anyway. At least I learned something new.
Mulchinator's picture
Submitted by Mulchinator on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 11:49
Well said, brother!
JDSourMash's picture
Submitted by JDSourMash on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 12:11
sucks that the shark had to die, most people just don't think or care. when I saw this blog, I thought it was a promo for Shark Week starting tomorrow on Discovery channel, lol
LuxDevil67's picture
Submitted by LuxDevil67 on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 12:30
Unfortunately Shark Week doesn't do much to educate people about sharks. it's mostly a lot of strategic editing to keep audiences interested and the ratings up. and the real shame is that people trust Discovery channel. yeah, right. i saw one of their shows last year and they were showing a zebra shark and the narrator actually said something like "you can tell it's a leopard shark from the spots"! there went my faith in shark week. The zebra shark is born with black and white stripes that develop into spots later on. the leopard shark actually has stripes also. you go shark week! screw accuracy, let's just show some more breaching whites!
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 12:52
People are ignorant about things like this, and it pisses me off. Good blog.
sicrik's picture
Submitted by sicrik on Sat, 07/26/2008 - 14:16
you look a little like Alex Scholnick....of Testament and Mike James will probably say your hot!!!

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