Shared on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 19:22Sorry for not blogging recently. My daughter Sarah has been pretty sick. She started complaining about having a headache on thursday morning, so my wife decided to stay home with her and let her recover. Her temp was running around 100 F. It was a bit high but not totally unusual for a 4year old. Well around noon Kim (wife) checked it again and it had shot up to about 103.5. Kim took her to the docs and they said that there has been an outbreak of strep throat going around. Doc did a check and everything came back ok. Apparently it is only a pretty bad cold. We took her to the pharmacy and bought them out, as all good parents are apt to do. She spent most of that night throwing up in the bathroom and (unfortunatly) in her bed. Yesterday (friday) she was still pretty feverish so I called in and stayed home. Sarah (daughter) started getting better by late afternoon. She is now up and running around again. Looks like she will be going back to school on monday.
It was pretty scary at times. I hate the powerlessness you feel not being able to make their pain go away. How do you tell a 4 year old thats throwing up water that everything will be ok in a day or 2? I would gladly take her sickness and make it mine if I could. Nothing sucks more than watching your kids being miserable and listless, knowing that you can't do anything to help but give them some meds.
Anyway, shes better now and should be tearing up the schoolyard on monday.
- M13a77's blog
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Submitted by mirage on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 19:33
Submitted by English_C6H6 on Sat, 09/08/2007 - 19:35