Gaming event in PR


Shared on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 14:58

Last Saturday morning I visit a local Gamestop to purchase Soul Calibur IV and I notice a flyer for an event called "GXF - Gaming Explosion Fest". The people behind this call themselves the Puerto Rico Association of Gamers. Its the first of its kind here. I am exited at the thought of more of these types of events taking place on the island. apart from the competition there is gonna be stuff for visitors and expos and demos. It's gonna be a  3-day event taking place August 22 - 24 and the competitions will be in 10 games: halo3, cod4, GH3, RB, GoW, Super Smash Bros, Soul Calibur IV, Fight Night Round 3, NBA 2K8 and Mario Kart - Wii. Sinse I am not able to go to this year's chi lan, I'll get my fix here and maybe schedule for '09.

Fianlly, I hope you guys have a ton of fun in at the LAN!




PS: Soul Calibur IV rocks, character creation is a blast, TOLS mode has nice variety and tag team style switching between characters. Yoda is a cheap lil bastard and The Apprentice is over-powered, but the rest of the game is fun.


Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 15:45
Enjoy, mac!
Hetfield's picture
Submitted by Hetfield on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 15:04
GFX sounds awesome. We'll expect a full report.
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 15:04
That's great news that you have a local group that does that. WOOT WOOT PR!
mac79's picture
Submitted by mac79 on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 15:10
Thanks, I don't if i will attend all 3 days, I'm interested in the last day where the COD4 competition will take place, we'll see...

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