Shared on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 13:44Ever wanna slap a parent for a child’s behavior?? Well, last night I was on the verge of this very thing.
I met a girlfriend of mine (whom I haven’t seen for nearly 5 ½ months) at Chic-fil-A. Yeah, I know….wasn’t my pick either but its great when you have 5 kids under the age of 6 between the two of you. After all, all kids love those play places!
After our kids eat we proceed to take them in, remove their shoes, pop a squat on the benches in there and let them loose. Everything started out fine. My friend and I are catching up and our kids are having a ball! Then in comes the *two-headed monster (*names have been changed to protect the non-innocent parties). These girls, who appear at first sight to be “adorable” little twin girls, are really the devil in disguise.
Within minutes my daughter comes up to me and says that “the girl in the red shirt” won’t let anyone down the slide.
Me: “Ask her nicely to move because you and the other kids would like a turn too.”
My daughter: “I did, but she told me to shut up and stuck her tongue out at me.”
Me: “Well, go right back up there and tell her you’re coming down the slide now and if she doesn’t move SHE WILL GET HURT.”
My daughter: “Okay.”
A few minutes go by and the slide seems to be opened up again. All the kids are coming out the bottom of slide and running back to the top again. Good, problem solved.
Not. Now my daughter comes to me sometime later saying that the little girl pulled her hair as she went by her down the slide and some other kid I don’t even know comes crying out of the slide and up to me holding his head and saying “that girl” kicked him. Okay, here goes. I proceed to poke my head up the slide and see who “that girl” is. Sure enough it’s the *two-headed monster.
Moments later this little monster decides to come down one of the stairs and in the process pushes this little boy down the stairs cause evidently he was in her way?????? Little boys’ mom rushes in and checks on him….he’s fine, a little shaken from the fall but good. Then they leave.
Some of the other kids have been leaving too. Now the only kids in the play place are mine, my friends and the *two-headed little monsters. Things are going to get interesting, I just know it!
Yep, a few minutes later my daughter and my friends’ daughter come simultaneously to us stating that “that little girl” puked at the top of the slide. Can you say “Ewwww???” I grab my daughter and son pull them out, stalk up to the dad (who by the way isn’t sitting anywhere near where he can watch his children-and isn’t anyways!) and say “Hey buddy, you need to check on your little girl. Apparently she just got sick in there and has been out of control for the past 45 minutes!” I drag my kids behind me and tell the manager that the play place needs closed and cleaned.
Moral of the story. WATCH YOU’RE FREAKING KIDS!!! Is it too much to ask for?? I see this crap all the time. Heck, I see it with some of my nieces and nephews. As a parent I’m not perfect. Nor are my children. However, they do know how to act in public or at someone’s house. Teach your children respect!! I have no patience for people who do not give there child’s’ bad behavior a moments notice. For heavens sake…..warm there little bottoms if you have to! That’s right, I believe in spanking and I believe it’s made my kids better for it. I know I was turned over my mothers’ knee quite a few times when I was younger and I turned out okay. For some children that isn’t even necessary, they are passive in nature and are people pleasers so a firm no and possibly put in the corner is all it takes. Discipline your children. I’ll thank you for it later!
Oh, and on a side note. Once the father drags his child kicking and screaming out of the play place (because according to the mantra she is spewing “I don’t want to go!!!”) he still spends another 30-40 minutes letting his kids run around the restaurant! At one point the “she-devil” gets her twin on the floor and sits on her back yanking on her ponytails while they scream at each other. WTH?? Hello? Are you blind? She freaking puked! Sick or not, TAKE HER HOME!!!!
Slide for bad kids!
I know its wrong!
- madwoman's blog
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Submitted by jackal857 on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 13:57
Submitted by CroMag on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 14:07
Submitted by dos on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 14:13
Submitted by madwoman on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 14:23
Submitted by SPEEDBYRD on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 14:25
Submitted by kewljoe on Wed, 11/07/2007 - 14:21
Submitted by TexasTwister55 on Wed, 11/14/2007 - 08:34
Submitted by J-Cat on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 16:19
Submitted by Spidey on Wed, 11/07/2007 - 18:24
Submitted by OrzoKhan on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 18:25
Submitted by Nighthawk70 on Tue, 11/20/2007 - 14:51