What would you do?


Shared on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 13:25
What would you do if your employer of 30 plus years tells you see ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya?
Do you calmly say, “Whatever man! I’m moving on!”
Do you rant like a crazy person to someone who wasn’t even here 30 years ago when you were hired, doesn’t know you, and frankly doesn’t care?
Your offered the choice of leaving 8/31 with a years severance (not bad if you ask me), or staying in a temporary job for approximately 3-4 months, and then taking the severance package. Your only hope with the second option is that you can land another job within the company. On the surface, none of this seems too bad. However, none of these situations allow you to keep the salary you are currently making. Which creates your second problem. Not enough income, can’t pay the bills,….can’t pay the bills….lose your house, your car…..what now?
Sometimes the corporate world can be a real pain!


SugartasticJ's picture
Submitted by SugartasticJ on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 18:48
I like the ability to scroll across recent blogs - either have arrow buttons, or have it scroll automatically. And maybe have a "featured blog" that is chosen by the admins, based on the quality of the blog. Having the most recent four blogs on the front page seems kind of pointless - blogs are posted too fast to make it meaningful. I rarely post a blog, but I did this morning, and it disappeared from the top four within 10 minutes - I don't think anyone even read it before it disappeared.
SPEEDBYRD's picture
Submitted by SPEEDBYRD on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 13:54
There is a place where people are rewarded and all is just. But you won't see it in this life... kind of sucks when you think about it, so I just do my best, try and play the game with a straight face and move on. Sorry to hear about your news
Blue_Stiehl's picture
Submitted by Blue_Stiehl on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 17:34
I would like to see the last four blogs submitted. No voting, rating or favortism, just linear. I would also like to see the Last 25 Entries page expanded. Add an extra page with the next 25 blogs.
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 14:03
Leave with a year's severance.
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 18:30
I agree with Blue- the latest four instead of the top four, and a Next 25 for the entries page. I find most of my new bookmarks there anyhow. New and intriguing individuals always get my attention. The coding would be easier to tweak in comparison to some of the other really good ideas. Take the power away from the voting; the votes should remain in place for author feedback only. As has been said, some people are so competitive that any ooportunity to be better than the next person is too great to pass up. Then you get "carpet-voters". Bust out that banhammer. Or post the names of said carpet-voters for public ridicule in the midieval manner so that we may all chuck rotten produce, a little public shaming. :)
Jmarps's picture
Submitted by Jmarps on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 14:04
If the severance is the same if you stay on, I would stay on and look for a job in the meantime...
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 14:08
30 yrs holy crap cant u retire?
madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 14:28
@ Caesar....I'm only 30....I can't possible have worked for a company for 30 years...unless I was like slave child labor or something. :) Its a close relative and is not old enough to retire. Personally, the more I have mulled it over I would probably say give me my severance...I can do better somewhere else, the financial concern is the toughest thing. Either way, there won't be enough money for the bills.
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 14:31
Yeah the severance package and find another job. That gives you some time to find other work, possibly that interests you and downsize your living if necessary.
SamBrick's picture
Submitted by SamBrick on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 16:48
Can you use Flash/Flex/Ajax on the site? You could turn the current top4 blogs space into a longer list of smaller thumbs of recently posted blogs. The thumbs could enlarge onRollOver and you could click them to access the page. This way you could have more single click links to recent blogs on the main page using the same amount of page real estate. I'm a flash programmer and would be happy to stumble through helping you to do this if you wanted/needed any extra hands..... .02c
OldSkewl's picture
Submitted by OldSkewl on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 19:12
I tend to agree with Blue and Unwashed. Latest four on the front page and a page with the next ones. 25,50,100 whatever. I'm sure you could even put a filter on it for top 25, or last 25. As far as voting...unfortunately we as a site have kind of let the ball drop on voting and it seems to be more of a headache for the admins than a blessing. I could go either way with it. I kinda miss the Karma :( One other thought...Spotlight on a blogger. Down side...people worrying about favorites..we could vote..see above :( good luck with whatever you decide, i'll still come back for MORE!!!
TheCrazyPerson's picture
Submitted by TheCrazyPerson on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 19:28
Doodi I don't know if there is some way to do it but if you could make it where once you post a blog for the day if there could be some way that the same person doesn't go on and blog 4 and 5 times a day just to keep theirs at the front. Maybe once you blog every blog after that is just an add on to the first one and your blog doesn't get moved back to the front. That would give more opportunity for other peoples bogs to be seen. And then like the others said maybe make a link where people could see a list of "Tags" of bogs from that day. That way you don't have to keep up with days and days of blogs.
BATMANKM's picture
Submitted by BATMANKM on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 14:34
Take the years severance. Use that money and the year to start your own business doing what ever it is that is your passion. It starts off choppy and rough and it seems like a storm, but once you start flying, your wings can take you as high as you can imagine. No more limitations placed on you by companies or bosses. :-) The analogy I use is that being in a corporation is like climbing up the side of a building in a rain storm. It takes almost all you have just to hold on, let alone climb higher. Taking the severance package and leaving is like letting go and falling. Terrifying at first for sure. But its the only way to get your own wings to grow and start flapping. Once they do you can soar pass the top of that building and above the storm. :-) If anyone can do it Wonder Woman can thats for sure! :-) - BAT
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 14:36
Only problem with taking the severance immediately is that as you are looking for a new job, it better to have one than be unemployed.
BATMANKM's picture
Submitted by BATMANKM on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 14:36
Ok so its not you. :-) My answer is the same even though, its not Wonder Woman. :-) - BAT
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 20:23
I see the problem but I like the concept behind the voting -- "Hey...look at this" in a collective community lets others know what was important or entertaining. That said...just like the political forum, asshats will always screw up the best of intentions. Part of the problem is the anonymity (as we hide behind our tags). Votes should go on the comment page so we know who is playing games. I'm all for public shaming...or flogging.
dos's picture
Submitted by dos on Thu, 02/22/2007 - 07:11
Perhaps changing the phrase "Keep in top 4" in front of the thumbs to something like "Rate this blog"...? The new member and/or casual forum participant might not completely understand the ins and outs of the system.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 21:06
I like Midnighters ideas, maybe not the perfect one but the Admin has bigger fish to fry,let the willing procede. I would scroll through a next page of 25 blogs, sometimes the info is too much for me to read at that time so I try to go back later and its gone. This is probably a goofy idea but say Monday it seems that blogs fly off the top 4 like theyre on a conveyor belt. What if there was some type of time limit minimum they are on top 4, they would get backed up a bit but would get equal time. At least for these "peak" timesit might work as the moderators may not have the time or input to keep the worthy viewable.
DeadDrPhibes's picture
Submitted by DeadDrPhibes on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 22:51
ok this may have already been put forward, but i dont have time to catch up on all the posts.. can you insert a link in the poster information so when you read any post by a given member, a link straight to their blog appears near their name? just a thought..
SixTGunR's picture
Submitted by SixTGunR on Mon, 08/27/2007 - 14:59
Hmmm, smarta$$ comments from management, given a choice of how to leave, the company doesn't care about you, Columbus Ohio??? Must be WorldCom...er, I mean, whatever their name is now. :-[ Been there, done that, about four years ago...when the company was still named WorldCom... Ok, seriously, all kidding aside. I wish your relative good luck in the job search. PS If they are in Network Support (LAN/WAN/MAN) and want to move to Orlando, send me their resume. :-)
TexasTwister55's picture
Submitted by TexasTwister55 on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 19:58
I'm going through some situations at work, but not to that extent. I've got this year and half of next, then they can . . .say goodbye. I am learning to ignore alot and focus on my "clients." No, they are not naked chickens.
naveeda's picture
Submitted by naveeda on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 17:44
I'll too leave with a year's severance and start looking for a new job as soon as possible. Actually, one should be kinda looking for new job from the day he joined, if you start looking after you've got the notice than in most cases its normally too late. Best of luck to your friend.
codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:17
I think you should add the ability to scroll through the last 25 from where it is now. Click a button and let it auto-scroll (or always do that) through the list. Or a + and - button on each side where you can scan through them (sorta like iTunes has). Not sure how hard it is and what not, but to be honest I never click the "blogs" button - I just don't. If I click anything I'm more inclined to click from from that top 4.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:18
I would say maybe change the top 4 to (most recently posted) instead of it being voted on. Or maybe have styles/genres for blog posts...Humor, NSFW, Video, Serious. Something that the blog poster themselves can select when they write up the blog and then in the top 4 have a small box below the blog avatar stating what style of blog it is. Dunno how complicated that would be to set up. Have under the persons avatar in the forum maybe a link to their blog if that isnt allready there.
FireWtr96's picture
Submitted by FireWtr96 on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:20
take the top 4 off the front page and make it a " who's been bloggin link" probably not what you are looking for but it is a simple solution - F1R3
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:21
a marquee with the blog title like I suggested in more detail in the last blog.. or have a blog listing signature option in posts (gamercard + blog listing if its small gamercard) or just a blog listing of you blogs
ruckus426's picture
Submitted by ruckus426 on Thu, 08/23/2007 - 17:28
I would leave and take the year's severance. You have the potential of making two incomes in the same year. It sounds like things at the company are starting to get ugly and make get uglier. I'm sorry your friend is going through this. I went through this as a kid when this happened to my father. We had a few difficult years. Funny, the company that let him go is no longer around. I guess that's what you get when you treat your employees bad.
th3midnighter's picture
Submitted by th3midnighter on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:22
Just my .02 but why not have a select few that get to rate the blogs. These would be a few ppl that visit the site on a daily basis and read the blogs and give them the power to vote on the rating system. If you were to ask, Im sure youd get alot of the regulars to volunteer their time to read throughout the day and vote. This way, if you have 30 to 50 ppl voting, it would create a big enough cross section of the site to accurately gauge which blogs are seen and should be in the top 4. You can always add more ppl and take ppl away if you notice they dont vote enough. One feature I would ask for and maybe it exists and im just an idiot for not finding it and please point out if this is so, but how bout a search feature for blogs. For instance search blogs by member name, blog title, type of blogs (pics& vids vs. actual writing), date posted. There have been times I've wanted to visit old blogs but dont know how to find it other than the top 25. Again, this might be waaaaay too much for your which i understand but just something I've always thought would be a cool feature. Again, just my .02
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:23
Just to throw out an idea, maybe make it so you can only get into the top 4 once per day? So you can post as often as you like but only the first blog shows up in top 4. Or you could choose which one shows up there, whatever. As for the voting, from what I've seen it has only been useful toward people feeling unliked, I personally have not seen a positive point come from it. My 2 cents, it might not be worth a penny!
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:24
Not sure how to do it. All of those have their Pros and Cons. Views - Well, if the top 4 were rated by views, they would always be the ones in the Top 4 because they would be visited the most often since they have more visibility. Votes - Well, you already know the cons of the votes with negative votes being given for no reason, and heck, positive votes are rarely given. Mods - A drawback here would be questions of favortism. Admins - Probably the safest bet. I know you don't want to redesign the site, but maybe instead of increasing the area and adding another row, why not decrease the size of the Avatar and add another row? Then, Keep the normal Top 4 row that changes with each new blog posting, and then the 2nd row could be the Top 4 blogs of the Week as chosen by a vote of the Admins and Mods, and maybe community.
the5thchild's picture
Submitted by the5thchild on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:26
I usually check the recent 25 blogs each day. Most of the time, I am able to catch up because 25 different people haven't blogged during the night. I know that I can always use my bookmarks or get to somebody's page by clicking on their avatar. However, some days, I can't make it to the site to check the recent list. When that happens, I do "lose" some of the blogs of people that I don't "watch". Is there any way to increase the number to 40 or 50 recent blogs? I think that would solve some of the problems. :)
deucedriver's picture
Submitted by deucedriver on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:31
I'm just going to sit at my computer all day, refresh until I see my avatar move off the top 4, then add another blog post. "You will respect my authoritar!!!"
LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 10:29
Just take down the blog bar at the top. We have a very nice "most recent bloggers page" That people can very easily click on. That would take away most of the problem. Maybe expand the most recent blogs page to 50. But if we take down the little bar at the top it will force people to use the actual blog page. Then let Taxi smack around all the ding dongs that dont use the gajamillion other ways to access blogs. or you could do "smack around" sign ups in site chat. ;) We could even do the blog link at the top in bold so people can find it better [/sarcasm] I personally love how I can see who of my favorites have recently blogged. That was a brilliant idea that I use often.
syphaqlies's picture
Submitted by syphaqlies on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:34
I think we should be allowed to scroll through a list of the top 25 from the Blog bar at the top. I also think we should be able to acess everyone's blog from the blog list. Not just the top 25 recently posted, top 25 most viewed monthly and top 25 most viewed all time. Some people don't blog that often but when they do, they're pretty good and worth reading. But because many people, like myself blog most every day, they get bumped out of the lists pretty quick.
BlowMonkey's picture
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:40
4 Random blogs instead of "Top 4". That will expose new blogs to people and will get rid of some of the nonsense regarding voting...actually you could still have the voting/rating but just as a point of intereset thing. Ti
Raiz3R's picture
Submitted by Raiz3R on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:40
rather than only having 4 blogs at the top of the page make it 12 that way it takes longer for the blogers to sequence across the board
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:47
How about have the top 4 as those people that do not get viewed that much. You could filter them by number of views and number of blog entries. (i.e.
DEEP_NNN's picture
Submitted by DEEP_NNN on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:47
I'm still a bit confused about what blogs are all about. I'm not sure what the need to be discovered is all about either. As a publicly viewable gamers diary I appreciate the Blogs existence. I read some of my friends and it helps me know them in ways I couldn't otherwise. We were posting the same stuff in our Forum before the Blogs. I think some of us started to use it to honour of the site. I guess my vote goes to the total number of views. I'd rank it that way. This voting button stuff seems destined for the round file. If one of my friends were to keep directing me to Blogs that I wasn't interested in then I'd stop listening to them. That's hard to do with vote ranking.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 14:47
uh..not sure why my last comment got cut off.
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 15:06
I'd really like to see a one spot in the top 4 per day implemented.
GroovyElm's picture
Submitted by GroovyElm on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 15:11
Why not have the 4 blogs on the homepage be the most recent? Those of us that wish to read more will find a way to do so, but it can be made easier. On the blog page, add a list of 25 random blogs, or 25 highest rated blogs or most visited or something of that nature. I think the setup on the homepage is fine. Sure, a lot of people blog a lot and always seem to be there, but that's cool, I don't think the system is broken.
dos's picture
Submitted by dos on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 13:36
i take the one-year severance and move on...still sucks
BrokenDesign's picture
Submitted by BrokenDesign on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 15:25
Liking some of these ideas. My thought is to go either with the top 4 rated blogs featured on the front according to the thumbs up or thumbs down (which to me seems like the way to best take advantage of that feature) and have the 'blogs' button link to the latest 25. Another option would be to have an iTunes Store -esque organization, like others are talking about, with a left / right jump button that will scroll to the next 4 and have something to show which "page" the person is on of the latest blog posts (probably would have to be 24 since it's 4 at a time). Best of luck with the revision!
CaptJB's picture
Submitted by CaptJB on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 13:39
Hell yeah I'd get loopy! i hope this hasn't happened to you or someone in your family. Life is the biggest school yard and is full of bullies, people who just don't care who they step on or how many lives they ruin. Corporations are the worst. It's a great big wheel that keeps on turning no matter who gets squished in its passing. I know people who have been loyal employees and were cast aside or given no severance package when they sold, just told to pick up their checks and have a nice life. They have been struggling ever since. My heart goes out to them.
Xevias's picture
Submitted by Xevias on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 13:42
Get out as fast as you can. Staying part-time adds a complicated risk where other employees may blame you for thier mistakes because they know you are leaving anyway. This may jeaopardize references and recommendation letters. It happened to me.
DarthClem's picture
Submitted by DarthClem on Wed, 02/14/2007 - 15:42
To me, the 4 blogs at the top of the screen are like "impulse purchases". I see them there and I click on them. Some bloggers are fairly prolific, blogging often enough that they are almost always in the most recent four. It almost feels like they are "spawn camping", to use a gaming term. :) Is it unreasonable to limit people to 1 blog per day?
Bodaget's picture
Submitted by Bodaget on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 14:36
Keep the most recent 4 avitars, but have them all link to the recent 25 page, that way more blogs will be noticed (but the lazy people will be mad they have to click twice)

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