Apocalyptic Sign #38 That I'm An Older Gamer


Shared on Thu, 09/20/2007 - 17:04

I suddenly love playing Brain Age. I LOVE it! I love the quirky little tests, the concept that I'm improving my brain functions, the idea my brain is getting "younger" more agile (marketing sucker, I know...). I just learned how to play Sudoku and love the challenge in that too.

7 years ago? I'd have scoffed at myself and thought, 'What do you expect? She's over thirty.' 14 years ago (ouch) and I'd have politely felt the need to explain/lecture why these aren't really true videogames, but the stuff game companies have to put out to keep the "games-will-destroy-our-children" generations at bay. This is made for alternatives, as a game to play with your grandmother to humor her and generally for those who can't hack the speed, maturity and pace of real videogames. And as this older self walked away probably either pissed or embarrassed, my younger self might have quietly muttered "Wussy" or "Lazy" or "Wimp." Did I really think Brain Age qualifies as gaming credentials...oh...please! "Go back to Ecco The Dolphin or something, would ya?"

Isn't wonderful that now with time, wisdom and experience I no longer have the arrogance of the young (but the arrogance of the wiser! Aha!!) regarding what is or isn't cool? Further, I don't need to define or limit myself in any sort of box? I can choose to play Gears of War 2 AND still improve my brain (BTW Speaking of GOW2, where is My fantasy/dream threesome? Really, could some game designer please, PLEASE objectify some men for me to enjoy? I don't mean whining foppish men like that Paladin in Baldur's Gate 2 either, give me someone hot! Fellas, are you reading? Anwser me this if you can - don't most men like being objectified to some degree? There's got to be some sort of thrill there for you to play too, right? Sorry digression!).

Anyway knowing this...why do I still keep hearing "Wussy" delivered in a quick smart ass cough, echoing in the back of my mind?

::sighs to self and grunts irritated while bemused strangers in coffee shop blink in reaction:: Shut UP!


Thanks for looking!



microscent's picture
Submitted by microscent on Thu, 09/20/2007 - 19:25
Conan is coming out soon. Objectified, and personified! :)
Maxxie's picture
Submitted by Maxxie on Fri, 09/21/2007 - 17:54
Thank you! Now see? I'm fine with things being equal on all accounts :D

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