In Defense of the Timmys:


Shared on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 20:01

This post is 100% true. Yes, I am defending Timmys. You'll see why by the end.

So, I had my first real Multiplayer (MP) experience this weekend on XBOX Live. I've messed around a bit in game voice chat in the past, but this time I went for the whole shebang.

I decided because I'm a HUGE Mass Effect (ME) series fan and the ME3 demo is open to all, that I'd try MP. I'd stop being the introvert I can be and put myself out there - without my gaming swagger. I put myself on some lists at some ME3 sites as a total newb and warned them: I might know ME, but no guarantee of my ability on MP. I might die a lot. I might shoot you accidentally. I'm prone to dumb questions with good intent. If you don't want that as part of your experience, you don't want to play with me or at least not right now.

Surprisingly, I was befriended by quite a few people.

Once I could access the ME3 MP Lobby, I logged in and created a Sentinel class (new class for me as I usually play a Vanguard, but wanted to try something different). None of my befriended folks were available, so I adjusted my big girl pants and got ready to step into the public foray. Then I remembered the XBOX came with a headphone and after a long search found it copulating with dust bunnies in a forgotten cabinet drawer. After detangling and cleaning it, I put it on and hit the slider to show I was ready to communicate. I moved to the public lobby and waited to connect to a game. There were three people in the pregame room I joined of levels varying 1 - 12. None of them had pressed to go into play. After a minute or so of waiting I tried to say hello. "Hey there. I'm new so just a heads up this is ALL new to me. If that's not your-"


And they were gone.


Now you might think I would have learned my lesson about being too honest, but I can't seem to help myself. I move toward "Paragon" actions naturally (with some "Renegade" maneuvers when I think it is the best response for the situation.) Overall, I tend to play by my gut and good sense, not by the manual or "correct" response.

Second attempt - Three people, Levels 8 - 17. I say the same thing but this time they all hit green. Holy moley we're gonna play!

And we're in - we're at the snow base running around killing damn Cerberus units and Atlas troopers. I work hard not to shoot my teammates before I realize my bullets don't affect them. I am quiet except to say thanks when they raise me after I'm ambushed, shot, stabbed, hit, or nearly stomped many, many, many, many times. We make it to Wave 9 before we are all wiped out and I see we are playing Silver, not Bronze. (Quick rundown of play levels in ME3 MP: Bronze for newbs, Silver for intermediate and Gold for the pros.) I suddenly felt a little better about all that dying. More than that, I jumped about 4 or 5 levels at once.


After the group broke up, I joined another screen with just one person waiting (level 50) I gave him the same speech. To my surprise, I got a reply!


A kid, a Timmy as we refer to them here, telling me it was no big deal I was clueless. He'd help me and just to do my best until I got the hang of it. Even more, he called 2 more Timmy friends in to play, told them the drill and they all said the same thing. They introduced themselves and seemed nonplussed that I was female. They didn't treat me rudely though in the joking that ensued they gave me the rank of Lieutenant. They were Commander, Corporal and Captain, of course. But I didn't care. In my head - I was Lieutenant Commander…ha!

But I digress.

After reading so many posts here (and everywhere actually), then facing down my first real Timmy(s)...this was not the Timmy behavior I expected.


I asked them where they were located and learned they were all on the East Coast and from New Jersey. Which makes perfect sense to me and only proves (based solely on my days past when I worked in the gaming industry) that the entire state of New Jersey is made up of gamers and is breeding even more gamers at astonishing rates. I felt at ease, but then wondered once the action started how would they treat a female non-Timmy in the group? Would they steal my kills? Relegate me to support? Call me a girl and tell me to put on pink armor?

And here is where the Timmys surprised me again.

As we played they explained things. They censored each other from heavy cursing (at least until about 2 am their time, when understandably we all got a little potty-mouthed). They were cool about showing me the ropes, even if the damn ropes kept slipping out of my bloody hands. They were patient and encouraging. They spoke to me and treated me like a teammate. Even though I knew they still shared and taught me what they knew about the recruitment packs and leveling. We learned to work together, made strategies and had partners for maneuvers. We were silly yelling "Man down! …er woman down!" when someone died and we raced to help and support each other. Yelling out, "Dude that was so SIC! or "That was totally BEAST," when we kicked ass. We laughed a lot (and I especially laughed A LOT) as they spoke on topics of great import to their age and experience. Things like, how this MP compared to Battlefield and COD. Quoting cartoon characters and skits seen on Robot Chicken and Adult Swim. Boasting their kill prowess. Making the occasional fart joke. The longer I listened, the more I enjoyed myself and I concluded a couple things.


One: These Timmys had NO idea how old I was and assumed I was in their age bracket, which made them completely relaxed and themselves. I admit I did nothing to disabuse them of the notion and they didn't ask. I think this allowed a rare thing; being able to see people as they are and not as who they want you to see them, particularly in this sort of context. These guys had NO desire to "show off" for me because they were there to play and….


Two: These Timmys, are at that magic cusp age group right now. Do you remember this point? Where childhood things are still very important and the sex you are attracted to is on the horizon, but they are not quite on your radar. These Timmys were more inclined to tell the virtue of a good hoagie or Cheese melt then talk about some girl they liked - though these Timmys definitely liked girls. They were more into the stats, comparing games, telling jokes and having a good damn time kicking ass and talking playful trash to each other and me. We were a team. It was pure fun.


Three: Their demeanor reminded me of something. Overwhelmingly, strongly and specifically, they reminded me of this.

If you can't follow the link (or are too lazy for the reveal :P), they reminded me of the boys in the movie, "Stand by Me." I kid you not, the three of them even spoke and had personalities that were a perfect mix of the characters portrayed by River Phoenix, Will Wheaton, Jerry O' Connell and Corey Feldman. One of them was very pro-violence and military (Teddy - in the movie), and he was the only one who gave me a little passive aggressive shoving at first, but by the end of the night was my best partner in taking down guardians (I FREAKING hate guardians, btw. Almost as much as phantoms.). The initial one I met was like Gordie and Chris characters mixed together: he was the one who guided us and kept all of us on point. The one who had us all dying of laughter with his random Ke$ha lyric quotes, silly voices or debating about cartoon characters - clearly our Vern. I even made my husband listen to the chatter for a few minutes while I muted my mic and without telling him my thoughts, he turned to me with a big grin and said, "They sound like those kids from that movie! The one where they go looking for the dead body…"

So there it is. I don't know should we play together again if we will recapture the fun of that night or our prowess, 'cause we did kick a lot of Cerberus booty on Bronze and could get to wave 7 on Silver before we got shut down. And amazingly, they all befriended me and want to make plans for the four of us to play again. But for my first real experience online with Timmys? It was silly, positive, fun and went directly to the part of me that just loves to play.

To these Timmys in particular I just want them to know that I think they really are SO very, very beast. And due to this experience, I have to suggest to you that perhaps not all Timmys are worth your sharp-tongued, eye-rolling derision. I can attest that some of them are really worth spending some time with and playing online.

Now...does this make ALL Timmys worth playing with and should we stop teasing them altogether? Probably not. BUT


…maybe give them a minute or two past the nervous laughter and awkward jokes to show you who they are before you school them. You might find yourself through the interaction playing for a few hours and enjoying an experience that is as precious as gold, diamonds or killing an Atlus with a sticky grenade when you are just about to die.

Now that's beast.




Thanks for looking!





ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 21:20
I will agree from time to time that when playing we will find a good timmy, but have you thought about how many bad timmy's you have played with versus how many good ones?
CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 07:14
I game with timmies too, but the search to find them is like standing on the mouth of a vulcano, while handling explosives that react to human sweat, while I get radiomessages to remember to keep moving. You know it's going to blow up in your face sooner than later. Years of Xbox-play has landed me exactly 3 timmies I even shared my facebook-details with. I make myself no illusions though, all three of them became friends, apart from eachother, because at first they loved my Schwarzenegger accent. XD
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 07:30
After stewing on this for a short while ... I would like to see your thoughts after the release of the game versues being in a Demo where everyone is at the same starting point ... Does the interaction and helpfullness decrease upon release of the game or after periods of time.
PoltegIce's picture
Submitted by PoltegIce on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 08:47
Very thoughtful. This initial comment of mine is but an echoe of those that have commented before. You are indeed lucky to have found such well behaved timmies. Or are you? When Xbox live went gold and became available to the general public, the children in virtual land were infact much more behaved then you find today. It did not last long however. I mostly blame gamers in their late teens, ones that the young timmies looked up to. These classless live bullies and hooligans would trash talk, brow beat, and use every horribly innappropriate comment under the sun when they became frustrated or often, just because they thought it was funny. The younger timmies, assaulted by this and many with unconcerned parents would under the guise of online anonimity fight back with the same foul abusive manner in which they themselves were being attacked with. So it spread. Then adults much like ourselves who for some reason not understanding that two wrongs don't make a right, would encourage this behavior by joining in and sincking to the level of timmy, becoming one themselves. Though this looks depressing and hopeless, as I make it appear like live is a wasteland. This horrible land populated by anarchists and savages, there are definetly oasis out their and more then my imagery would have one to believe. We here at 2o2p are perhaps jaded and have for the most part given up on timmy. But we certainly come by it honestly. One thing that I belive that rings true is that different games will attract a different crowd. The high adrenaline twitch shooters, will breed competitive and aggresive behavior to the extreme, where as Mass Effect, with its slower pace, lack of competitive multiplayer, and focus on deep interactive story telling, will appeal to a more thoughtful and appreciative timmy. I myself have run with random people in this demo a few times and have been suprised at the complete lack of foul language and trash talk. Of course when I say foul language I mean the real bad stuff, as occaisionally I have a bit of a potty mouth. :) Actually people have been extremely quiet. I wonder if most of these people are frustrated by the bad behavior of others and have everyone muted. Could be. You may find many unwilling or unable to hold conversations because they can't hear or speak to people that are not on their friends list. I was in a game last night with two 2o2p guys who coukld not communicate with each other for that very reason. In conclusion i think your experience last night is definetly more common then our attitudes would suggest in a game like Me3. If you however head into the world of FPS player vs player multiplayer, take along your friends.. ;)
LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 11:01
If you ever need a ME3 MP friend hit me up and I would gladly take turns spawning with you! As for timmies..... there are some good kids out there. I have maybe 8 on my full FL. In fact three of my fav people to play with and who are the most understanding of my lack of skills are people under 25. Im glad that you found some good peeps. Sadly I am prone to agree that this is the exception and not the rule. And the chances of finding kids like this get worse when you step into Halo/CoD/ MW i.e. FPS games
Jedi_Kez's picture
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 13:28
I've always thought of a "Timmy" as not just somebody who is young, but also somebody who acts like an ass. I've gamed with more than a handful of "younger" gamers and they indeed aren't all bad. I can see a game like Mass Effect 3 MP bringing out the "better" of the young crowd. It seems a game that is less about competing with the people in your game, but rather being a good squadmate. I think a lot of the people that I consider "Timmies" would avoid this game to continue playing the other FPS games out there where they can talk trash about their K/D ratios and such. Feel free to FR me, I plan to play a lot of Mass Effect next month, and could always use some more people on my list to play with :) Also, if you check out the Mass Effect forums here, you'll see a thread about "Mass Effect FoF", send a FR to the user mentioned in there if you want to be on that list of people who plan on playing ME3!
FreynApThyr's picture
Submitted by FreynApThyr on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 13:40
As always Maxxie, a great story, written very well. I'll be thrilled when we all realize that avoiding gaming with annoying douchebags isn't as simple as picking a date on a calendar. Signed, Annoying douchebag well over the age of 25.
Maxxie's picture
Submitted by Maxxie on Tue, 02/21/2012 - 23:48
First thank you for reading and commenting - I truly enjoy your thoughts. Before I reply individually, I do want to add 2 brief points. 1 - I know my one sole experience does not reshape the world. As much as I sometimes might like it to. 2 - ME MP is as has been pointed out a cooperative only MP environment so I do suspect that contributes to the likelihood of running into more supportive folks than not. @ATC_1982 - You make very valid points and I will revisit this experience a few months after release to see what happens. But I think those points above contribute to your thoughts too...And while it's free I encourage you if you can to give ME3 MP a try. I'd be curious how your experience on average compares. @CrypticCat - I do so love the way your words paint a picture! ;) And hey never underestimate the power of a compelling accent! ;) Even so I'm glad to know there are at least 3 more Timmies (now I gotta go spell check!) who support my experience... @PoltegIce - Thank you so much for your thoughtful response and sharing some history with me whch I truly did not know about the evolution of MP and XBOX Live. Using wasteland references btw? Makes me see the whole place like Fallout 3...which has its oasis areas and outlier cool people too as part of the story. Not a bad analogy actually. I do think you are on to something about how different games attract different people (ATC eluded to this too...). The heavy RPG fanbase of ME series mixing with twitchers who are seduced by the MP option and action packed gameplay ads do make me curious to see how this all evolves. In the end, I think while I'll probably foray again as I'm still in an optimistic place I'll be going forward in any other MP experiences with friends. Really patient, eagle-eyed friends....right? ;) @LadyisRed - Lady! How are you gorgeous? So glad to see you! Look for me to tag you soon for ME play! I'm glad you've had some positive Timmy experiences too and will heed your added voice to be cautious that the "good" Timmy may not extend to other MP/FPS games. @Jedi_Kez - What's up - great to see you! I REALLY like your definition of Timmies, in fact that makes more sense to me. Of course then myTimmies aren't Timmies then. They are...I dunno....Jakes? Jake can be cool. I am definitely going to head to the ME forum and add you to my friend list too - thank you. @FreynApThyr - Hey FreynApThyr! Someday please phonetically spell how to pronounce this for me because I've had fun with trying. Thank you for the kind words and I think your comment sums up quite nicely. If you like, I will tell *everyone* you are my favorite annoying douchebag well over the age of 25...except I don't really find you all that annoying or a douchebag... ;)
Fetal's picture
Submitted by Fetal on Wed, 02/22/2012 - 23:39
before I make my comment, FreynAp Thyr is pronounced "Bubba" I agree, there are some younger gamers out there who are not "Timmies." The fact that you found a few is admirable. The term Timmy though was meant not to brand an entire age bracket, but to brand a maturity level in gaming. If you've ever played a lot of FPS Mplayer you'll find the people you played with are most assuredly the exception, of the further exception of the rule. I've found that in Large multiplayer games that are team work oriented, not versus, the people, younger children included, tend to much less cliquish and more friendly and helpful in their demeanor. In other words, play some COD and try and find the same thing. Good luck.
Maxxie's picture
Submitted by Maxxie on Fri, 02/24/2012 - 19:44
Hey Fetal! Thanks for the pronunciation lesson! ;) Yes the overwhelming feedback I've been given is try COD, Halo, BF...and see if the Timmies are still as open. I defer that you've all been at this much longer than me and had more experience so I won't doubt my next experience will be different...but you know I still think "Jakes" like mine must be there, elusive looking for cool people to meet and play.....

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