Game Recognize Game


Shared on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 11:25

A few of the folks who have sat in neighboring cubes to mine at work are moving locations due to their department restructuring. I stopped past “Joe’s” cube, one of the middle managers in a different department to offer my moving condolences. As we are talking, I spy him take a bulky item from a back cubicle shelf, then quickly shove it in a box. But that sort of thing doesn’t get past me it just piques my interest.

I raised an eyebrow and asked, “Joe… wait a sec. What was that?”

He looked nervous, “Oh...just a toy my son gave me.” Joe’s son is four, by the way.

I grinned, “Oh how sweet…what did he get you?”

Joe pulled it out of the box and went for a nonchalant tone, “It’s just a model of a futuristic soldier.” He handed it to me to look over.

His four year old gave him this. Right.

I cocked my head, “Joe, your four year old son gave you a Master Chief statue?”

Joe grinned then sputtered, “You know Halo? I didn’t think... you play?”

I smiled and we talked game for a while. I realized that while I probably don’t show a lot of gamer/geek sign at work, I’m pretty good at spotting it.

See, this sort of thing has happened before. My favorite instance was when I went to visit my sister for lunch at one of her highly corporate jobs and she introduced me to her three-piece-suit-with-tie wearing boss at his office. As I scanned the room next to the picture of his wife and kids in his bookcase was a really nice Warhammer figurine. When I commented, he lit up and we had a conversation about miniatures and wargaming, as well as role-playing games for the next 30 minutes. My sister was equal parts impressed and disturbed. A year later she still commented “I thought it was just some statue! You know he always asks me about you now?”

I have a theory of gamer/geek affiliations. Often, those of us who are into such things show clues that can be obvious (Gamer mag posters, models or statues) or subtler clues (a Lovecraft gaming book placed in between a Chicago Manual of Style and a dictionary). You only have to look. I’ve stood at someone’s desk and watched them open a drawer that accidentally reveals a set of 4, 8, 10 and 20-sided dice, or gamer mags or strategy guides and it’s been the same sort of relieved and surprised reaction when I share my knowledge of them, ”You know? You too?”

The world has changed and continues to change. I don’t believe we have to hide our interests as vigilantly as we may have in years past, lest someone label us as some type of social outcast. Gaming and other traditionally “geek” interests are mainstream – celebrities, sports players, even some politicians though they may try to keep it under wraps. It’s no longer a guys interest as women play too (though women are gaining, men still do outnumber). I know if you work for a Fortune 500 company or in securities, or a law firm or other “serious” professions and your office is filled with gaming paraphernalia there is still a large segment of the public and possibly peer group that won’t take you seriously. So you have to keep yourself divided like Kent and Superman or Wayne and Batman. Those of our brethern in such predicaments feel they must choose to hide their love of games and/or geekery to pass as non-gamers day after day. I’m not judging you poorly for it, if this is you. I get it and I feel for you.

But I do believe it is still possible to give clues so those who do understand or have like interests can read the signs and know you are both in the same situation. Place that gaming manual in between your workbooks and binders. Place a tasteful (no T&A or zombied body parts!) arty picture from your favorite game in a frame or the figurine of your favorite battle. Keep the dice in your drawer because you never know when you may be called to roll them.

And keep an eye out for others flashing game signs. Flash one back or acknowledge if you see it so our numbers can grow.

Gamer recognize gamer.

Think this is ridiculous? Who cares what others think? Is it never appropriate to show "game sign" at work? Do you not want other gamers to find you? Do you show or spot game sign at work? Let me know

And thanks for looking!


Maxxie's picture
Submitted by Maxxie on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 11:23
Hi Snurphy - Thank you for the compliment and thanks for stopping by. Don't be too harsh on your blogging friend - I can understand in the closet gamers in professional predicaments and I think some people just like to keep the separation of work and personal life strong - but fear of perception I hope isn't a factor. Especially when each of us has the ability to show what and who a gamer is in positive ways. And I believe you *must* be cool as you have achieved one of the grails - working in a gamer/geek friendly workplace where you can totally let that side of you be you. That's a great situation!
Maxxie's picture
Submitted by Maxxie on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 13:09
Hi JeepChick - *blush* Thank you. I think your blog is pretty rocking actually. Hope you feel better soon! FadeIntoBlack - Thank you. I personally think it's not the dirty habit its the association that geeks are unwashed socially inept and sexually awkward if over the age of 20 and fessing up to game/geek passions. We are all obviously proof that does not globally apply ;)! And I love those 2 hour conversations. It's like a dam bursts and all the joy and passion overflows into the discussions. So fun!
deadhead's picture
Submitted by deadhead on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 21:11
I think everyone at my work knows I am a gamer unfortunately no one else is. I don't think you should have to hide it at work. But it is pretty cool when we do get the one visitor a year to the office that knows a bit about games.
Mighty514's picture
Submitted by Mighty514 on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 18:47
Gamer minds think alike :) I'm running out of my closet with Xbox controller in hand and my headset on head... Yeah, I didn't make it far. But I will have to put something out in my office (not so obvious to non-gamers) Maybe a Clog? That is simple enough. Real quick, at the airport last Sunday. I'm sitting there reading and look up. A gamer chick, early twenties. How did I tell? She's wearing a L4D hat, an umbrella corp jacket, and some undisclosed gamer tee shirt on. I really wanted to approach her and talk game. But she was with her family. How would it look if A middle aged man starts talking to your daughter about gaming, exchaning gamer tag info, etc... Ha! I kept reading.
Castlemonster's picture
Submitted by Castlemonster on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 21:32
Nice blog. Given that I work at a F 100 company, I definitely feel exactly as you desribed. Nice writing style too.
LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 21:52
There is no doubt if you go to my husbands cubical if he is a geek or not. He has the legendary Master Chief helmet sitting on a shelf along with a bunch of other toys. My kids love visiting daddy at work because he has more toys than they do almost. With that said, other then seeing the xbox next to the tv you probably wouldnt know that we game. (shakes steals it all for his desk at work lol) I always love shocking the pants off people when they find out that a scrabbooking, church going, soccer mom like me plays Halo.
Snuphy's picture
Submitted by Snuphy on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 22:54
Great write up. I enjoyed it. Someone blogged earlier today about being an in-the-closet gamer. That person needs to read your stuff. work in an office full of geeks, so I'm way, way, way out of the closet. In fact, I'm almost cool. Well, almost.
Maxxie's picture
Submitted by Maxxie on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 23:58
Hi deadhead - I'm glad you are still holding the line for gamers at your workplace. None of them maybe but I'm willing to bet you've piqued curiosity. Well done! Hi Castlemonster - Thank you. And I really do feel for your position at your company and appreciate the balance you must keep. But if there is ever a subtle way you can show your love of gaming I hope you do..because presumably only other gamers would know. :) And then I'd want to hear about it! Hi LadyisRed - Kudos to you and your husband. What lucky kids ya'll must have too! As cool as your husband likely is, he might want to leave *some* of the gaming stuff home to warm the house further. how else are ya'll going to teach the kids how to be proud and show it ?! ;) And I envy you on Halo my skills so far are very weak :) But I'll learn.
Maxxie's picture
Submitted by Maxxie on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 18:31
Hi Mighty - I think you made the right choice regarding the airport situation. Those places are doubly suspicious of people these days anyway... ;) Still a missed opportunity to talk game in a setting that is much more pleasant with good conversation is sad. It's ok if you didn't come barreling out of the closet yet. It can be scary if you aren't used to the sun... ;) But I hope you know that there are more cheers than jeers waiting for you if you ever do... :) Do I lose cool points if I confess that for two second I read clog and thought "The shoe?"
Mighty514's picture
Submitted by Mighty514 on Wed, 03/04/2009 - 17:09
Ha! Clog, Cog... Hamburger, Cheeseburger. :) oops. For the record, I don't wear Clogs.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 11:33
Well said. I just checked out my office and it is sadly devoid of anything game related. In my defense, I did just put away my LED xmas tree and robotic snowman (each USB) and did get funny looks, but so what!
Maxxie's picture
Submitted by Maxxie on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 11:55
Hi Devonangel - The LED Xmas tree and robotic snowman counts (I have the snowman too! I like to make his eyes cylon- red). Funny looks could mean you are the only one there or they might be trying to determine if the LEDs were just a fluke. I hope you place something else up to see who catches on. Thanks for stopping by!
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 12:16
This is an awesome blog. Should be front page. Seriously.
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 12:26
Nice write up. You're spot on. It's crazy how many people you would never suspect are gamers, or worse, closet gamers. Like it's some kind of dirty habit or something. Then you spot some "tell" they have and you can have a 2 hour conversation with them.

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