Rapport, Truth and Blogging


Shared on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 17:18

They say in journalism the best chance to bury a story, post it on Friday or Saturday. Since I consider this a self indulgent post I’m going to test this theory, though I am hoping a few of you will be kind enough to share your thoughts. I've been thinking about truth in relation to blogging – particularly regarding me and…well, you.

I believe I represent myself truthfully here, short of meeting me in person. You've only my word to know the validity of that statement combined with however you interpret my personality and character based on my posts and the views I share. I contend my posts and responses are me if not in totality, then certainly true aspects of me as a person and as a gamer. I believe the same of you or at the least (in a few blog cases I've read) I believe you share how you want me to see you and I accept that and do so as best I can. I'll continue to believe or think this until you prove me wrong.

On another blog that I’ve had for years before finding 2O2P are written thousands of words that likely provide a fuller picture of who I am. That blog reveals my day-to-day mundania, my hopes and fears, successes and misses, my thoughts on politics, the world, people, music, my relationships with those I love and those who piss me off. I feed my pleasure of debate and discussion. I feel fortunate; over time I have developed some true friends. We share our lives and generally support each other though at other times we hotly argue and disagree. We act like jerks at moments and goofy at others. We are a community. Much like the one I'm recognizing here as I read and learn.

When I started this blog a couple of years ago it was during the height of a painful time in my life. While the details of that pain were shared with that other blog community, this blog became my personal oasis away from the pain. I’m a bit of an optimist as I’ve mentioned before and I like to believe you often get what you give. Here, I hoped if I shared with you all my love of games and thoughts around that I would receive the same back and I largely do, thank you. Yet even after a certain point, the circumstance and pain of my situation seeped in my posts here because it was all I had to give at that time. But I remember the outporuing of support and strength from you all that was welcome but a total surprise for me as I hadn't been here very long. And in the aftermath of the situation, I took a rather long break from posting here because I needed to recover. Again your warmth and welcome when I started posting again was a warm surprise. Thank you, if I didn't say that to you before.

On 2O2P, I’m interested in developing community, fellowship and friendships. I’m interested in respectful debates and discussions about topics, too. It is cool and compelling to learn about you personally and game wise. I know that in life as well as online I'm generally a person more inclined to reveal aspects of myself slowly and organically through time and mutual discussions. I know that sharing of self can build intimacy faster, but I confess that my brain still thinks of this blog as “my oasis,” which presses me to share my gamer interests and aspect over anything else first. I'm not trying to be secretive or mysterious. I really just like to take my time because I tend to like to make lasting friendships and I've found friends worth having are worth getting to know in a deliberate way.

So, I guess what I’m wondering is this; does any of this really matter? Would a lack of sharing personal non-gaming related aspects of myself on this blog prevent you from building rapport with me - from your perspective? Would it prevent us in your view from developing a friendship at best or feeling some sort of rapport between us at the least? Or as long as I'm online gaming or posting, is this all a moot thought?

An inquiring mind would like to know. Hope this makes sense.

Thanks for looking!


KittenMag's picture
Submitted by KittenMag on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 17:34
I like reading your blog. I think it tells a lot about you, the way you write and the topics you choose to write about. At work there are people who choose to share their personal lives and those who don't.. but I'm friends with (or at least work friends) with both types.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 17:48
It's one part what you say (sharing or non-sharing of information) that's important. But HOW you say things also reveals something about you. It does't have to be grammatically correct, and perfect, but it has to speak to someone. You know.... I had the most interesting conversation with a woman at my work about buying a fridge. Boring stupid story from anyone else, but form her it was intriguing.
H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 18:31
I come to this site more to read the blogs and forums than I do to find somebody to play with. I have a core group of people that I play with that I work with or know personally. I don't play with my clans near enough. I visit this site many times a day. I love seeing what people have to say. Now don't get me wrong, I will look at the naked pictures but I really enjoy the blogs about peoples lives. I don't think that makes me creepy does it? We are all different here but we share a common bond. We enjoy video games. I feel like I know many people on this sight even though I haven't met anyone here. If I quit playing video games today, I would still be on this site daily checking in to see what people have to say. I guess what I am saying is I enjoy the personal stuff.
happ's picture
Submitted by happ on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 18:49
I enjoy reading most the blogs on this site, including yours. I probably wouldn't have any idea about you without the blog as I usually am on here to network with Battlefield BC and Frontlines players. Your blog is one of the few I have bookmarked, so in my opinion, one of the better ones here.
Fetal's picture
Submitted by Fetal on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 21:18
Max, you always have something to say that makes the reader think, and i enjoy reading your blog because of this. i didn't read this blog though, cause its friday and i only read the sports section on friday. repost it on monday and i'll give it a gander. ;-)
madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Mon, 03/09/2009 - 11:56
For me its a bit of both. I learn (or think I learn) some by reading a persons blog. That of course stems on what is posted on the blog. For me blogs can start relationships but the interaction in gaming with a person really helps to cement a relationship with that person. There is a bit more of that comes out in a person when you speak with them verses reading their thoughts...just my opinion. :)
rumbagod's picture
Submitted by rumbagod on Sun, 03/08/2009 - 08:55
all a matter of preference, imo. i've read blogs on here that give way too much detail and others that just appear to blog to be blogging. i only bookmark the ones that have anything worthy or funny to say on a consistent basis (you're on my bookmarks ;) ) but even though i do blog, i feel that there's still something that needs to be held back, it's like tentatively extending an olive branch to the school bully and waiting to see if he accepts it or uses it to shove it up your left nostril and take your lunch money. i have trust issues if you couldn't tell....but it doesn't stop me from recounting certain events of my day as i'm to the point that i use this as a release of pressure for the ever swirling thoughts and daily comments on life and i'm going to stop now, apparently someone slipped some jameson into my coffee...
Maxxie's picture
Submitted by Maxxie on Mon, 03/09/2009 - 23:23
@KittenMag - Thank you. I like your blog too and it is possible to be friendly with both types you see - I just wondered where the thoughts were on those you read. I'm glad you shared yours. @J-Cat - Thank you. The HOW things are said is something I do pay attention to in in-person conversations and written can convey much in this regard as well. I need to remember that :) @H2Daddy - Thank you. I think it's awesome you have a regular group of friends and clanmates to play with however you choose and I appreciate your thoughts - I hardly think appreciating beauty makes anyone a creep. It's like making sure you read the articles along with checking out the nice pics...ya know? @happ - Thank you and I'm glad you enjoy my thoughts, I enjoy yours as well. I'm not personally familiar with Battlefield or Frontlines *makes a note to check these out*... @Fetal - Thank you and - Hey!!! It's Monday! ;) @rumbagod - LOL - Thank you. I had to laugh though - what *you* call trust issues, *I* call "cautionary courtesy"... :D. And while I don't drink often ( or much), I think your Jameson could be elevated by a little Bailey's. @FreyanApThyr - Thank you. I think voice and intonation do go a long way in telling a great deal about a person - I appreciate you honesty. Isn't it amazing how many people write the way they speak? @madwoman - Thank you. This makes sense to me - there is a certain level of nuance in contact, even just vocally than can be missed in words. Makes sense.
FreynApThyr's picture
Submitted by FreynApThyr on Sun, 03/08/2009 - 19:47
I don't typically build rapport with people I read. I need to hear people's voices before I can get any depth out of their writing. I have a tendency to believe that voices inform the context of writing and I'm essentially an aural person. While I can enjoy reading what people write as writing, I'll never really make judgments about compatibility or trust until I talk to people. On the flip side, hearing someone almost always makes me appreciate what someone writes. Caesar is the classic example of this. His writing merely drove me nuts until I met him and heard his voice. When I heard his pace and cadence his writing became a lot more tolerable. You just need to remember he thinks so much faster than he writes and then you can sort of fill in the blanks. So my answer to your question is no. Until I hear a voice, it really doesn't matter what is written, all I'm judging is the writing.

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