Scooby-Scooby Doo...Where The Heck Are Ya?


Shared on Wed, 05/23/2007 - 21:46

In short this is why I suddenly went dark:

I had an illness relapse which I recovered from just in time to deal with some deadlines for my other non gaming life and to be support for one of my parents while the other who is already suffering from a long term illness fell extremely ill. Dad spent some time in the ICU unit of our friendly neighborhood hospital scaring my family and making us wonder if he was going to be making his grand exit or not (Dad has been a bit of a houdini the last few years but that only works for so long). There has been a great deal of stress. Dad is recovering now, still very, very ill but for the moment will be around to call me a smart alec when I earn the quip for my impertinence and for that, I am extremely grateful. I continue to help care for him and help support my mom who is his main caretaker. At present, I'm feeling as healthy as lack of restful sleep and allergies will allow, but I am about to leave for a week or so to attend a wedding for family across the country, so I hope to relax a bit since I'm only attending not in the actual wedding party.

This is why I have not been lurking or posting as of late. I wish it were for more exciting, positive reasons. Like I won the lotto. Or won a trip to Egypt or Greece. Or Square- Enix called me out of the blue to offer a job and every game they make for free for the rest of my life (A girl can dream, can't she?) I know, this is all personal stuff - what does any of this have to do with gaming? Precious little except... At a peak moment of my stress, I traded in Ninetendo DS game Lost in Blue 2 (apparently I wasn't the only one!) and on an impulse bought Pokemon Pearl Version. I have ALWAYS resisted Pokemon games cause I just missed the boat on that whole Pikachu thing... until this one. Wow. This is actually a cute, fun rpg perfect for bedside ICU vigils and waiting for test results. I do heartily recommend it; it offers a variety of activities that keep me from getting bored and can fit whatever mood I happen to be in at the moment. So yes I will have to say, unbelievably, and especially at my really stressful and tense moments while just...waiting, I believe the darn Pokemon game actually saved my sanity. Who would have thought? Incidentally, I also picked up Brain Age though I have been more interested in Pokemon and have yet to play it. I'm sure my brain is as old as methuselah :D

Regarding this trip, though I tend to be quiet and look stoic (cause I'm desperately focusing on my book...DS...anything) I'm a very nervous flier, so maybe my fear of certain aspects of plane rides will get me on the Brain Age game. But Pokemon is DEFINITELY going with me. Oh! If anyone has a friend code to share and is playing the Diamond or Pearl versions feel free to PM me if you like (or leave in messages but I realize you might be shy) and any time I might get in a hotel that allows me wireless access with my DS, I'll get in and look for you - I don't expect to have consistent access but I'll be on in between wedding visits, sightseeing and family stuff. I'll be on Eastern time.

I hope life is treating you well and you are not facing any of the sort of stresses I have been as of late. I love my family very much and my parents especially. If the situation didn't stress me out so much, I probably wouldn't have mentioned it here since I really prefer to keep my discussion on game stuff and games stuff as it relates to my life/ some aspects of my personal life. But I must say that I wish this sort of situation with my parents for no one. I'm looking forward to the joy and life affirmations a good wedding can offer when two are truly in love and the bride and groom do seem to be. More reasons to smile. I'll continue my posting when I get back home. Take care of you in the meantime and play something fun, ok?

Thanks for looking!



CofC's picture
Submitted by CofC on Thu, 05/24/2007 - 06:41
I'm sorry to hear your dad was in the hospital. It's good you take such care of your folks. I too am afraid to fly, those not as much in the last two years. I take xanax and sleep most of the flight. c
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Thu, 05/24/2007 - 06:55
Best wishes to you and your family!

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