
Shared on Sun, 03/25/2007 - 00:23
So I finally was able to get in some good GRAW2 MP in tonight and I was amazed.  I like just about everything there is about this game.  The graphics are outstanding and the gameplay is fantastic IMHO.  The images from the Crash Site map for example are amazing. 

There had be a couple of threads in my clan about people considering getting rid of the game.  The consensus was however that though everyone seemed to like it but we didn't give it a fair try.  Tonight we had around 10 people in and it was a blast.  It will take me sometime to learn the maps but I'm fine with that.  I do think that the single player is a little easy however (not finished yet but so far), but most of us on this site buy games for the Multi Player aspect.

We have a couple of members in our clan that love to use the sniper rifles, myself included, the vast area that some of these maps cover leave plenty of options for people wanting to lay low and put a few rounds in people's skulls.

I have only really gotten to play the Team Elimination rounds but I am looking forward to trying out the other modes. I hope my fellow clan members hang on to this game as I really enjoy playing against them.  Until next time...


SciDad23's picture
Submitted by SciDad23 on Sun, 03/25/2007 - 00:26
Drisk, after getting my head blown off for most of the night, i was getting pissed. The last round, I felt like I was playing a little better, so I left with a positive feeling about GRAW 2. That said, I'm not trading it in anytime soon. I'd like to try some of the Co-op stuff with a group of us, it might be fun taking on the AI as opposed to each other in "sharpshooter match #2,428"
mdrisk2006's picture
Submitted by mdrisk2006 on Sun, 03/25/2007 - 00:33
I think this game much more so than RB6 really is going to require more team work and communication. The wide open gameplay just begs for it. The use of the drones as well is vital especially on any maps played at night.

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