Left out in the cold


Shared on Tue, 02/27/2007 - 22:24
Ever since I joined this site and a clan within, I have been able to find several people online nightly to play Rainbow Six Vegas with.  I actually bought the game at the suggestion of some of my clan members.  In the past I have never been big on the shooter games.  Well 30 minutes after loading the game for the first time I received a MP invite from some of my clan mates.  I absolutely loved it and played online almost every night after my daughter went to bed since.

Then something tragic happened.......Crackdown was released.  Now I did not get the game for a couple of reasons, first of all I'm not into that type of game to begin with and secondly I didn't have the $60 at the time to spend on it.  Several members of my clan bought the game either for itself or for the Halo 3 beta, but something funny happened.  I think they all fell in love with the MP side of the game.  Almost every night I can find at least 10 members signed in playing Crackdown.  I do have my monthly game rental coupon from Blockbuster so I think I will at least give it a try this week but I doubt I will purchase it.

I have gone back to playing some of the other games I have in the interim until either RB6 takes back the clan or GRAW2 comes out.  I have revisited the single player of COD3, Battlestations Midway, and GRAW.  Actually, you can probably attribute every post in my blog being written due to the fact that I have spent more time on the site lately than I have in the games.  I do have my monthly game rental coupon from Blockbuster so I think I will at least give it a try this week but I doubt I will purchase it.

The truly sad thing is that since joining this site, I can't go back to playing online with the timmies.  I just can't stand it anymore to play with the average idiot online.  I need to play with the "idiots" that I have come to know and enjoy from this site.


TheCrazyPerson's picture
Submitted by TheCrazyPerson on Tue, 02/27/2007 - 22:35
Well I know how that is! I was in a clan and they all went to playing Gears of War but it was way to graphically violent for me and I just wouldn't purchase it. I tried it at a friends house and i just didn't like it. So I was stuck without anyone to play with every night because of it. I got to the point that I left the clan (other reasons as well) and didn't even go on XBox Live for three months. I hope it gets better for you b4 something like that happens! Thankfully for me I'm in a clan now that is great, we have different night for different games, so if you want to get on and game with the clan you can. GOOD LUCK! :):):):)
Fetal's picture
Submitted by Fetal on Tue, 02/27/2007 - 22:37
hey man, there are still cats out there playing rb6 nightly, you just have to find them. being in a clan doesn't mean you have to play exclusively with your clan. a good time can be had by all if you just hop around and play with some of the other clans out there, like 2old2shoot and pension plan commandos. i for one will invite you to some great multiplayer action fragging with the 2o2shoot guys this weekend. ( i only play on live on weekends now, but you can always add some more 2o2p guys who play rb6 exclusively.) you're not alone, many people have forsaken rb6 for crackheadtown, but there are still a lot out there who play it every night.
SciDad23's picture
Submitted by SciDad23 on Tue, 02/27/2007 - 22:54
Drisk, if you see me online playing anything, it's only because I'm waiting for an invite to play R6. I can't wait for the map pack next month. Crackdown is fun, but only in short doses. Any more than an hour or so gives me a splitting headache, it must be the cel shading or something. I'm itching to get my head shot off again in Six.
GP_Butz's picture
Submitted by GP_Butz on Wed, 02/28/2007 - 07:21
Drisk, Hit me up, maybe we can do some coop in R6V. I don't have Crackdown and don't plan on getting it. Remember, GRAW 2 is out next week. I am sure things will change then.
FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ's picture
Submitted by FuZZ_E_BiZkitZ on Wed, 02/28/2007 - 09:22
I feel your pain bro. I cry when it rains now. Not sure why, but I miss seeing 16 people online all on RB6.

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