

Shared on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 13:30
Anyone know how to toilet train little boys?  My boys, 1 1/2 and 3 1/2 REFUSE!  I did offer a challenge to my older boy.  "hey, do you want to go pee pee on some cheerios?"    "no, but I will poop on them"  "o.k, let's go"  ....and he did it!!!  Full-on, laid some cable on those O's.  But...doesn't want to do it again.  What's a momma to do?


D1STORT1ON's picture
Submitted by D1STORT1ON on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 17:07
My son must have 60 hot wheels cars now. Each was a potty reward. That and about a million M&Ms later, he's mostly potty trained.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 13:32
yeah blake didnt want to either, but he finally just one day decided it was the right thing to do. Boys are wierd.
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 13:39
You need to freestyle it is the only way to go.
KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 13:40
Tell them that babies wear diapers and boys use the potty. They don't want to be babies, do they?
defasum's picture
Submitted by defasum on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 13:42
I have 3 boys myself. This may seen a little harsh but it worked for one of mine. Let him walk around the house with no diaper or anything on. Tell him he is not allowed to put anything on until he learns to potty and if he makes a mess he will have to pick it up by himself. I did it over a weekend and by Monday he was going on his own. He held it as long as he could and never went on the floor. Good Luck!
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 13:43
Our girls seemed to like rewards as incentive and it seems to be little steps for the most part. They are almost 6 now and if Kayla has the squirts she still wants someone to wipe her! We just gave a little tough love and not tooooo much attention or focus, I have googled before on the subject and as I recall thats where many of the ideas we used came from. Just Google cheerios + toddler cable and u should get a "bowl full of ideas". LUVYA/OMR
SamBrick's picture
Submitted by SamBrick on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 13:47
You could try the ping-pong ball target practice game for boys.....
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 14:42
In my personal opinion 1 1/2 is probably too young too expect him to be doing the poop thing. I know, there will be people that say "Well my boy was wiping and flushing at 13 months." Whatever. They develop at different ages. I don't recall having any problems with my first three (well except for the time the oldest boy slammed his you know what with the toilet seat. Oww!) but the now eight year old it was hella tough. So some of it depends on the kid. So as the parent, you have to devote some time to this...If you work and can get a couple of days off, that would be ideal, otherwise your gonna have to coordinate with your caretaker. Start with every hour on the toilet and when he does finally do it, praise, praise, praise!!! Don't stop until he has done this several times. I think having them clean themselves is also a good idea. When the child gets the idea that it is easier to get the job done in the toilet and get it over with, they will naturally try and do that. Good luck!
Cranefolder's picture
Submitted by Cranefolder on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 16:31
My god meemoos. The idea of your kid dive-bombing some cheerios has me laughing so hard that my face hurts. I don't have any kids, so I can't offer any advice, but thanks for brightening up my day. "full-on, laid some cable" BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That is nasty as hell, and I love it!
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 20:14
Meemoos CableOOO's, ahhh... kind of a nice ring eh, whats the hidden prize a Lincoln Corn Log erector set? LOL
SamBrick's picture
Submitted by SamBrick on Tue, 09/05/2006 - 15:59
The ping pong ball stays afloat and doesnt get flushed.... :-)
imcndn's picture
Submitted by imcndn on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 09:33
Ping pong ball target practice? You don't flush the ping pong ball do you?
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 16:50
Are you using the toilet or a potty chair? If it is the toilet, he may be afraid of falling in. (Do you have any idea how big that damn thing is to little person?) If it is the toilet, try talking to him and try to find out why he won't go there. If it is fear, get him a toilet seat that fits over the regular one. Don't know if this will help, but good luck!

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