school bus dick-wad driver!


Shared on Tue, 02/19/2008 - 12:08

O.k, this am I'm  taking the boys to pre-school.  In the opposite direction a shool bus approaches.  He turns his flashing yellow light on about 2 car lengths away from me, I slow to  a crawl.  Right as the front of my SUV and the front of the bus are at the same point, the jack fuck turns his RED light flashers on, then procedes too HONK and shake his stupid ass fist at me!   WTF!!  I swear the dumbass waited for me to reach that point so he could be an ass!  I should just call the bus people and tell them what an ass he was and maybe make him read the "rule" book!!   Then I start thinking....was I wrong???    NO!  Found this:

(quoted from the Oregon DMV book)


"School buses are equipped with yellow flashing lights in addition to red flashing lights. Do I have to stop for a bus that is flashing yellow lights? Flashing yellow lights are for warning purposes, primarily to let you know the driver is nearing a loading or unloading zone and will soon be stopping and displaying flashing red lights and extending the stop arm. You should not stop for flashing yellow lights; however, you should slow and be prepared to come to a complete stop. If otherwise legal and safe to pass, you may pass a school bus in this situation. But again, be aware that there may be school-aged children in the vicinity. "

Hey, mr bus-ass driver!!!  Thanks for embarrasing me infront of all the kids and the other cars!!


O.k, feeling better now!



LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Tue, 02/19/2008 - 15:02
that same thing happened to me last year, except that I ended up getting a nice note from the sheriffs office a few weeks later. No ticket, just a "friendly reminder" on what the rules were. I felt like responding and telling them what really happened, except Im lazy and never got around to it lol.
frozenground's picture
Submitted by frozenground on Tue, 02/19/2008 - 15:16
he was trying to bait u in! Damn those sneaky bus drivers, can't take your eye off em for a second ;)
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Tue, 02/19/2008 - 18:43
Ohhhhhhhh i hope i get a letter!!!!! azz biite!!
Cranefolder's picture
Submitted by Cranefolder on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 16:52
Every bus driver I ever had was dumb as a fucking post. Which is probably why they were driving a bus. (No offense to any smart bus drivers out there. Before you flame me, know that my father drove a bus for a couple years in college to pay the bills, so I am aware of the obvious fact that not ALL bus drivers are semi-retarded cock milkers. But in my experience, his story would be the exception and not the rule.)

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