Shared on Mon, 05/24/2010 - 17:08Is anyone else subjected to that horrible, horrible bluebell country ice cream jingle on the radio? "Take a fuckin moonbeam from the sky, mix it in a bowl of sunshine with flowers and shit' or however that song goes. It's TERRIBLE or TURBLE if you prefer to say it that way Sir Charles. And now they added on a stupid ending after the down-home folksy shit song. Some announcer comes on and says something like "Try our berry ice cream. It tastes like someone made it while they were sitting right next to a fresh bucket of berries'. Fuck that. If I'm going to buy berry ice cream I want the fuckin berries IN the ice cream, not NEXT to it! It's the most horrible commercial ever. Don't eat blue bell ice cream because it tastes like sunshine and country breezes and who the hell wants to eat that shit?
- MikeTheKnife's blog
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Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Mon, 05/24/2010 - 17:13
Submitted by R0kst4r on Tue, 05/25/2010 - 03:15