Breaking News!


Shared on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 16:09

So I hear about these news choppers that crashed here in Phoenix.  After the required trip outside to see if any smoke could be seen from the parking lot (it can't), I decided to go online and see what's happening. I go to MSN, oh wow they have a video, let me check that out.  It was at that moment that I was reminded that I am a colossal dumbass. What was I thinking, actually being able to view a breaking news video.  How fucking worthless is that website. I mean seriously, I was getting 1 frame per 6 seconds.  If they can't support the traffic then why even put up a video? Do I need a T1 line just to view the damn news?  It's even laggy at off times on occasion. I mean I know DSL isn't cutting edge technology but shit man, aren't the casual viewers their main audience? 

I don't mean to downplay the tragedy of the event.  I have a feeling this will have some repercussions, probably in a good way.  Also, I really like channel 3 news and I also really like the chopper guy in the mornings. I don't know if it was him--I haven't found any names yet.  But their weatherman is a jackass the likes of which has never been seen before.  I have never seen anyone react to the name Brad Perry with anything but revulsion. My co-worker won't watch their news because of him and my mother used to write letters to the station weekly until she finally gave up and stopped watching. I am not kidding, the guy is an embarrasing dipshit. I may have strayed a bit off my original topic here.


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