Cox can suck it


Shared on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 10:04

So 2 nights ago, I lose my internet connection. No big deal, it happens from time to time. Cox Communications is shitty. And of course their customer service consists of 'OK take that thing with the flashing green lights on front, we call it the 'mo-dem'.  Now there's a black cord that plugs into the 'power outlet' in what we like to call your 'wall'.  Remove, or 'unplug' that cord. Wait 15 seconds. Now replace the 'plug' in the 'wall'.  Voila, internet! Wait, it's still not working? Let me transfer you.'

So last night I decide to waste some time calling them and they tell me McAfee fucked up in an update and knocked out a large number of AZ users.  They give me a toll free number and tell me the good news--McAfee isn't going to charge me customer service fees for restoring the connection THEY fucked up!!!! WHOOPEEEE!!!!!

So I call the number, which Cox lady assured me is fairly easy to get through. I keep hearing this repeating message saying just delete McAfee, your internets will be restored and you can then download and reinstall McAfee (at which point I make a mental note--call and cancel McAfee and then get another program). But hey, with some good customer service, maybe they can keep my business.

So I do what they say. Stupid, stupid me.  Of course upon deleting McAfee, my internets are NOT restored and now I can't connect to the internet to re-install McAfee. So I call the number again. 40 minutes later I'm tired of hearing this dumbfuck repeating mesage on the line and I hang up in disgust.  To top it off, while I was fucking around with the modem, disconnecting and switching cables, unplugging and replugging things, I lost the cable TV in my room, which runs through a splitter which supplies both my bedroom cable and my internet. So I call Cox back about the TV.  Apparently the signal is 'weak'.  What the hell? I DIDN"T CHANGE ANYTHING!!!! So now, maybe it's not McAfee that fucked up my internets.

But it's OK....Cox can come out to fix it on SATURDAY. Fucking shit man. 


M13a77's picture
Submitted by M13a77 on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 10:08
So is this going to be 3 weeks with no MTK in S&D?
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 10:10
Unfortunately, that is a very real possibility.
sjam613's picture
Submitted by sjam613 on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 10:20
Are you sure it wasn't rabb messing with your Internet again?
YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 10:54
GroovyElm's picture
Submitted by GroovyElm on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 12:19
Nice work English. I mean, hope to see you on soon.

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