Kneedeep in the HUA!


Shared on Mon, 06/01/2009 - 03:33



And in other news...

**Reprinted from a closed forum, because I'm kinda pissed about this**

It may be quite apparent sometimes that I become quite irritated with the way people vote on things.  Some people who have recently made questionable choices in my eyes are now... FORGIVEN!!!!!!  This is why:


I really like this song.  I really liked it when it became the intro song to the director's cut of Donnie Darko, and I've even been known to enjoy the original Tears for Fears version.  SO WHY, IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND SACRED IS THIS EMO DOUCHE BELTING THIS OUT ON BROADCAST TELEVISION DURING PRIMETIME?  WHY ISN'T SOMEONE REMOVING HIM FROM THE STAGE WITH A CROWBAR TO THE HEAD?  DAMMIT!


Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Thu, 04/09/2009 - 05:36
Morning Sgt., Glad to see you're catching up to the current time line at Delta Bravo Sierra. Sorry about changing addresses on you but it had to be done. I was eating up too much bandwidth on the old server. New server; new address. Is there a way I can help you display via iframe? Or would this blog format accept a widget? Thanks for displaying the toon! Feel free to suggest a few stories too. Thanks again. (kinda creepy getting stalked by a cartoon artist, ain't it? LOL!)
davidicusxx's picture
Submitted by davidicusxx on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 18:44
Never once waited for EOD to take 12+ hours to arrive; just cleared the area and used mark 19 or 50 cal... much more satisfying.
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 05:18
This is the family friendly version. Ask me about the big boy version Friday.
Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 05:26
d00d, wait till you see what I did with yur dog story. Heh.
Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 05:28
There was a guy in my son's platoon ... if he didn't say,"I hate this place" at least once a day his battles thought he was sick.
Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Wed, 05/06/2009 - 09:11
Yep, different stressers (even good ones) can trigger all sorts of memories. I often worry about if what I draw will cause someone to remember the 'wrong' thing. In the end, the toon is really trying to process what we've lived and I think its a good thing. It also allows me to retell the soldiers stories for those who don't blog or write books. I think that's a good thing too. I hope you agree. Congrats on the baby! Say bye to sleep for the next 20 yrs!!
davidicusxx's picture
Submitted by davidicusxx on Thu, 04/09/2009 - 12:03
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Thu, 04/09/2009 - 13:45
wait... for real? you do this? Kick ass.
Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 11:25
It's true ...MM did contribute this story AND this is the PG version. I've got too many kids-n-such that read the daily. Don't want them to know too much. They'll grow up soon enough. Thanks for all the feedback and thanks to YOU MM for the stories. You rock.
davidicusxx's picture
Submitted by davidicusxx on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 12:41
lol. noob. that was great.
Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Fri, 04/10/2009 - 05:24
Heh, It's been a long time since I had time to play. Lost my old profile so had to create another one. I used to play CoD, WoW, and Halo. My sons play ... everything. But they're not members here. Go figure.
Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Wed, 05/20/2009 - 15:47
You guys this the DBS toon would work in Army Times or the like??
davidicusxx's picture
Submitted by davidicusxx on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 22:27
Oh I totally dig the comic. At first I thought it was just being reposted by magnet. I didn't know that anyone in this community was responsible for it. Yeah it is a good thing. And I said goodbye to sleep two years ago when my first was born! Haven't gotten more than 4 hours straight since. I got more than that at Knox! *well, once or twice...*
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 23:16
At first you were right, it was something I was reposting. Then along comes Damon. If there was any question as to who he was it got answered when he threw my tag on the BDS site.
Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Sun, 05/10/2009 - 16:38
Had a cpt., called EOD even after the men complained that they could use a 50 on the suspect vbed ... EOD came 3 hrs later (record time!), shot the thing with a 50, then told the cpt he could have done the same thing. He looked at his men after EOD left and said, 'shut up'. heh.
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 18:25
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Wed, 05/20/2009 - 19:07
I think it would. Stick it right next to, or on the opposing page of Pvt Murphy's Law (isn't he a SGT now?).
Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 08:04
Heh, can I haz advanced armor now?
Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 07:04
You know what else you get less of when kids come along? Yeah that. But I'm referring to ... gaming! The last time I got to play Call of duty for more than ten minutes ... I ... can't ... remember!!! LOL
Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 07:05
Heh, I'm used to walking between squads but, ok, I'll take point this time. ;-)
Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 07:08
Question for everyone here: I've been experimenting with a more realistic/action comic style for the past two weeks. I would like to know what you think about it. Like it? Don't like it? Want the old style back? Want more action? Less?Tell all, please! Answer to: Thanks!
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 07:14
I haven't seen a bad one yet. Or in my laziness, I like both equally as well. Maybe set it up like the comics in the newspaper, Old style monday thru thursday, action on friday.
davidicusxx's picture
Submitted by davidicusxx on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 10:00
So weird, I had this nightmare last night about I.E.Ds going off... Haven't had one of those in a while. This strip reminds me of how life seemed immediately after it happened in real life (first panel) and how life really was shortly thereafter (last panel). guess its just stress of the new baby.
Damon's picture
Submitted by Damon on Thu, 05/21/2009 - 05:47
Heh, yep Pvt Murphy is now Sgt Murphy. That's one of my favorite toons. He inspired me and, frankly, the artist is just a heck of a nice guy. I'd like to get into Army Times. Any of you guys willing to send them some chatter? That would be a big help.
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 09:17
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Thu, 05/21/2009 - 09:50
No problemo. I'm sort of a subscriber, but that particular item (much like my NRA stuff) goes to a different address.
PowerMacAttack's picture
Submitted by PowerMacAttack on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 08:36
Great work Damon, the more recent comics are kick ass!!! Do like Mine says and just mix it up.
PowerMacAttack's picture
Submitted by PowerMacAttack on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 16:36
If that was your doing Mine....FUCKING EPIC!!!! I laughed out loud with that. Dammon does a mean night vision green btw.
El_Diablo's picture
Submitted by El_Diablo on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 18:29
You're a sick fucker, Mine.
davidicusxx's picture
Submitted by davidicusxx on Fri, 05/08/2009 - 18:41
Yeah I have to play during naps. Today my wife let me play fallout 3 for ten minutes after Izzy (2 years old) woke up and that was a real treat.

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