Ready for some 'Change'?


Shared on Sat, 02/14/2009 - 13:18

Special thanks to TheDastard for cluing me in on my inability to post this since 0600CST.


Well boys and girls, it's almost over.  According to the News Channel on the Bride's Wii that I read at around 0100CST the US Senate took next giant leap towards European Socialism.  I suspect Monday will no longer be Presidents Day, but the end of Capitalism as we know it Day.  I, like the rest of the Conservative community spoke out against this trillion dollar package to expand the Federal Governmaents size and power, and many Americans came to the realization that 'Change' wasn't just the new feel good word, and stood up and said, 'No'.  Even 7 house democrats (including one painfully liberal gentleman from Oregon whose name escapes me) said 'No'.  Next up, the 'Fairness' Doctrine.  God forbid, if there's any dissent.  This will be followed by an attempt to limit executive compensation in the private sector to $500,000.  Even my lifelong 'organized labor' worker father-in-law thinks that's a  bad idea.  Tell you what, if you don't like the big, evil, greedy corporations, don't give them your money.  Do your due dilligence and find out where your money is going.  So, what happens when there's a knock at the door, or a no-knock, because it's been decided, that in the interest of public safety, as a law abiding citizen, you need to turn over any and all firearms?  I'm not depressed over this turn of events.  The war against socialism is far from over.  NOFX wrote a song awhile back that came out at the beginning of the BDS era called 'Regaining Unconsciousness'.  I think it's appropriate now.  Check it out.  Anyway, it's time to start digging my bunker. 


MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Sat, 02/14/2009 - 14:31
Be prepared to get slammed.......there are people here that now HATE you.... MJ
Bob's picture
Submitted by Bob on Sat, 02/14/2009 - 17:20
Thanks fo the post minemagnet...I agree with you ...I dont think big governmentis the answer. To MJ... been following your post and agree with ya...just I dont post to much on blogs.
millfire517's picture
Submitted by millfire517 on Sat, 02/14/2009 - 18:15
Shit is going to start getting really bad. everyone thought the patriot act was an act against freedom, just wait till the socialist get the fairness doctrine, take our guns, and start regulating everything we do. for those who drank the kool-aid and voted for change...i hope your happy.
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Sat, 02/14/2009 - 20:23
I don't blame the Kool Aid Drinkers. They may be ignorant fools who resort to name calling as soon as they encounter someone who does not agree with their beliefs, but they have beliefs which, while usually stomach turning to me, at least they believe in something. I blame all this on those lacking honest convictions, those who made care free uninformed votes for 'Hope' and 'Change', and especially people who voted for BO because they were mad at 8 years of a not-so-very-conservative administration that they identified as Republicans. All of this is their fault. Hate is strong word Mike, if people choose to hate me because of my politics, then they are ignorant, incapable of debating the subject, and incapable of accepting defeat or that we must agree to disagree.
Rayne46's picture
Submitted by Rayne46 on Sat, 02/14/2009 - 23:36
I agree and do blame the Kool-Aid drinkers for not doing any actual research into their "god candidate". They probably knew more about Joe the plumber than anyone else running...well that and whatever the media told them. If you see it on the TeeVee, it must be true right? They will go after the guns first. If the opposition can't fight back it's an easy win. Then they can impose whatever they want on us without resistance or repercussion. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject. -- Author unknown.

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