gears of war


Shared on Fri, 11/17/2006 - 16:15
well guys i have just got gears of war and tbh (and this is just oppion) there is something i dont like about it i dont know weather it is the fact that i have been disracted tonight but i do find the controls really hard to get used to and also i have started on hardcore just wanted to post up and ask if any of you guys have had this same problem?

dont get me wrong guys the graphics are ace and the game is ace but there is something that i just dont like about it.

i have not tryed it on multiplayer yet so my assumsions might well be premature.

imo i think ghost recon is a better game as in gameplay in my personal oppion i would give gears 7/10 and ghost recon 9/10

(every body start flaming thanks)

this does not been any offence to anybody it is just my oppion

thanks X Cpt Mozza X


BrokenDesign's picture
Submitted by BrokenDesign on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 13:09
Gears certainly doesn't raise any bars or do anything new, but it does have a nice action button setup to minimize buttons you have to use regularly and I really dig the cover system. That was one of my biggest complaints of GRAW was the finnicky cover and especially the complete inability to take cover in multiplay. For a game that utilized cover in such a big way it's pretty unacceptable for it to completely ignore it in multiplayer. And Gears does have a very powerful visceral feel to it. I definitely feel more of a sense of desperation in the situation than in GRAW. I greatly enjoyed the game, but realize it is just another shooter. I just like my mindless killing fun.
ProvingUnique's picture
Submitted by ProvingUnique on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 16:53
sorry, i dont know exactly how to link it,.. its on's main site,... Gears of War Commercial... anyone know what song that is? it sound like like REM.. but im not sure
DutchMike's picture
Submitted by DutchMike on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 04:40
Yup i fell for the hype also, the graphics are a bit black and white and the cover and shoot stuff gets old quite fast. Does not mean it's a bad game, but it does not push the enveloppe. I will keep playing it forever as selling it on Ebay Germany is not allowed. (Spoiler) And getting the beserker to follow you outside and burning it with the sat-laser, was a exercise in repetition. I don't like sequences like that at all. However i do like shooting stuff so all in all 7 out of 10
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Sat, 12/23/2006 - 14:09
If you're lookin for a co-op partner for Hardcore and Insane, let me know. Gamertag: Gatsu Godhand
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Sun, 11/26/2006 - 22:25
GoW gives me the unreadable error as well, happened with R6 as well. But a quick reboot and it works
codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Sun, 11/26/2006 - 23:21
I guess I cannot see GoW beating the bar that has been raised by Valve and Half-Life 2. Half-Life 2 has more elements of cool then GoW. A good mix of alient/human a good set of weapons (not all too techy but nice), great environments, creative scenarios and a clean crisp feel. Graphics in HL2 are not as good as GoW - its been dated, but not enough of the elements in GoW beat HL2 to really call it "better." HL2 on PC of course, no shitty ports.
KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 00:17
I watched a interview of Bill Gates on PBS while I was in isolation this past weekend. He described Viva Pinata as a game where girls grow gardens in order to attact animals to visit. Damn you, Bill. It's not just for girls. Men like growing Chilis as well! (sent you a Jack o Lantern - check your messages for what to do with it.)
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 15:52
Sorry dude but when i tried to copy and paste the link it wouldnt work? of War

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