Rainbow six las vegas demo review


Shared on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 05:12

Rainbow six las vegas demo is now available for download from the marketplace here is my little review of it.

i am not going to go into to much detail because i dont want to spoil it for you guys because it is well worth the download.


You start the demo being dropped out of a helicopter ontop of a unbuilt casino from the start you can see that this game is going to be a very good graphical experiance.You have 2 other team mates with you which you give them orders by using the d-pad.The controls take a bit of getting used to but once you get them they work really well you can mark eneimes so then your team mates will take them out in the order that you mark them in which is pretty cool.

I have not played a rainbow six scince the dreamcast and to be honest i think this one is a lot better instead of it being get the computer to do it all you get to do all of it.Also you dont have to sit there for ten minutes and plan what you are going to do.

The part i found really good was where you absale down the side of the building and then you get your team mates to breach the window but you can also hang up side down and take out the enimes with your pistol.There is also 2 vision modes one is night vison and the other is thermal vison you have to use the nightvison in a lot of places in the demo but i found that the thermal vison is also very usefull in places where you can also use the nightvision.Another nice touch that they have put in it is that you can shoot round corners without getting killed if you have played ghost recon then it is just like you have got a camera gun also you can throw grenades round the corner which is also a very nice touch.

Towards the end of the demo you get to use the spy cam which is very good you can slide it under the door and tag the people that are inside it also has zoom so you can tag the most important guys in the room even if they are at the back of the room.Once you have tag the guys and figured out your point of entry into the room you can then either order your team to breach and clear or smoke and clear the room.


To finish off i am very impressed with the singal player on rainbow six but what i would really like to get my hands on is the multiplayer side of things due to the fact i play with a good bunch of lads on live and i think this would be a great team game.

thanks for reading my review hope you like it.

X Cpt Mozza X


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