Shared on Sun, 11/22/2009 - 11:56This is going to be pretty scrambled as that is how my brain feels right now.
Ever since we had our daughter in January, sleep is something neither my wife or I get much of lately. My son was a great sleeper. Only time he was up was to either eat or when he was teething. And he was always up at the same time. My daughter is the complete opposite. She wakes up all the time, mostly because her soother fell out, which I find strange as she only uses them to sleep. Try giving her one any other time and she throws it back at you.
Lately though it has been rough as she has a cold and was having a hard time breathing. This happened a few months ago as well, at that point she spent 3 days in the hospital. This time my wife was their for about 7 hours on Friday night and 6 hours on Saturday morning. Friday night I stayed with our son and Saturday my mom took care of him while I worked. My wife was going to let me know if they admitted her and I would go to the hospital from work since it is not even a 5 minute drive from there. So essentially she has asthma and it is pretty hard on her because of how small her airway is. When we asked if this would be an ongoing problem, the doctor explained that it may be for now but most kids do grow out of it. I grew into asthma as I never had it until I was 16.
It sucks watching little kids go through things like this.
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Submitted by alabama_old_fart on Sun, 11/22/2009 - 23:33