Shared on Mon, 11/09/2009 - 13:39First, the pain(ful):
Nothing major but enough to cause me pain. I was showing my son the salmon spawning in the creek near our house. Rather than just go to the end of the street and show him, I took him to an area where I knew there would be lots of salmon. He was having a blast watching them try and get up the creek. We went to the creek edge very quietly so as not to scare or stress the fish, the smile on his face was priceless. I decided to give him a better vantage point by going to a pedestrian bridge over the creek and lifting him up so he could see better. I didn't see the small gap between the railing and the walkway so of course my foot slipped a bit and I pulled a tendon in my ankle. Good thing I was't holding him as I did the total collapse on the ground as he laughed his ass off.
Now the Joyful part :)
My son is pretty much potty trained. He does both #1 and #2 on the toilet. He needs some prompting to go but he does it all by himself otherwise. Even wipes his butt. We had a few accidents early in the week but we knew it was coming. My wife was paranoid that he would never be potty trained. I told her he is 3 and will go when he is ready, which he did.
To top it off, the same day my daughter took her first steps. Of course I was at work when this all happened but she took a few for me when I got home. My son walked at 11.5 months, my daughter at 9. Cool!!
- MrGuster's blog
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Submitted by H2Daddy on Mon, 11/09/2009 - 13:53
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Mon, 11/09/2009 - 15:02