

Shared on Thu, 01/12/2012 - 14:02

I’m not entirely sure that I like this year yet.

Well, I don’t hate it yet either, but I don’t think I trust it yet.


If you remember from last week I was saying how I was patiently waiting (for 3 weeks now), for Best Buy to get in a copy of SR3 (which I have a raincheck for)? Well I got something in the mail yesterday saying they finally got my copy in, and they’re holding it for me. (Which, btw, I’ve learned to NOT believe until I’m actually holding it in my hands!) Now the only obstacle left is the actual going and getting of the game, which I won’t be able to do until tomorrow or Saturday. Grr.

I was reading some stuff that said there are some kind of passes? Season Passes and Online Passes? I’m confused, and it sounds expensive. And also, I think one of the achievements involves registering on the THQ/SR3 website, which I’ve already done, but I’m not sure why.

In other gaming news, Husband (the traitor) has decided he wants to check out Battlefield 3. (I know, right?) The problem here is that I am both nosey and highly corruptible, and I’ll be forced to check it out as well, testing my allegiance to the COD Franchise. I can only assume that there will be things I like about it too, and then I’ve got more than one war game I like, and then what’s next? Some Gears 3, some Halo??!! Do I become this war game whore? I mean, a girl’s gotta have some morals here…….

In personal news, I quit smoking about a week ago, and it’s going really well, albeit a little strange. We’re not using any stop-smoking aids, and Husband is having some trouble staying on the wagon. His brother is here, and he’s a smoker, and it’s not bothering me, but I see how much trouble Ed is having. This has been really easy for me. When I think about being a non-smoker, I actually get giddy inside. I’m having some weird reactions though. Almost everybody complains how they eat instead, and there’s the inevitable weight gain, and in actuality, smoking does raise your metabolism. However, I’m having the exact opposite reaction – I seem to have almost completely lost my appetite, and instead of sleeping better, which people tend to say happens, I have these pretty severe sleep disorders, which now that I’ve quit smoking, have doubled. Now instead of struggling to get 3-4 hours of sleep a night, I’m only getting about 90 minutes to 2 ½ hours. And I still don’t want to smoke, but I’m starting to become concerned about my health. I’m not eating and not sleeping….. I’m hoping this is something that’ll work itself out in the next week. (Especially since I have all kinds of fun new games to play!)

Oh, and one more thing – if some of you could pop over to the help & requests forum, I need some help with something – thanks.

This week’s shout outs go to my new friend SpeedByrd, and also to PropertyofWyatt – hang in there, honey, all things seem miniscule with time.






w0rm's picture
Submitted by w0rm on Thu, 01/12/2012 - 15:45
I quit almost a year ago after nearly ten years of smoking and haven't looked back. Better on the body and the pocket. I've gained about twenty pounds since stopping but I was underweight previously, so it was a good trade off. I never noticed a big difference regarding sleep, except I don't feel near as tired when I wake up. Good luck with the smoking cessation. Keep with it, it's totally worth it!
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Thu, 01/12/2012 - 17:56
Good luck with the smoking or lack thereof. BF3 is a little slower paced than COD until there is flash point and then it's crazy. Personally I enjoy it more than COD but you know what they say about opinions.
Mrs_Dixon's picture
Submitted by Mrs_Dixon on Fri, 01/13/2012 - 03:03
.....Yours is welcome? :P
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Fri, 01/13/2012 - 07:50
Also another thought, you can still rack up a bunch of points and have fun without being a super shot. Keep your squad and team alive by being a medic, keep the better shots stacked with ammo and keep those vehicles rolling by being an engineer.
TKBosss's picture
Submitted by TKBosss on Fri, 01/13/2012 - 13:30
Congrats on Stop smoking!!!! Sunday, I quit 8 years ago. I used Zyban, and it worked unbelievably, but gave me weird dreams. If the sleeping problems persist I would suggest seeing a doctor. Tell Ed to be strong as well, the benefits out weigh the negative effects by a mile!!!! Keep up the work!!!!!
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Fri, 01/13/2012 - 22:31
Good luck on quitting smoking. I quit after 20 years of smoking and have been off 33 years now. btw - your title for this blog is 01-12-11 when you meant 01-12-12 - Guess you really are having trouble liking this year.
Mrs_Dixon's picture
Submitted by Mrs_Dixon on Sat, 01/14/2012 - 14:22
Good catch, door.... It's not as bad as last year though, when, for some reason, I kept wanting to date things 2008. And then, back in 2009, I kept wanting to date things 2015. (True Story!)

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