

Shared on Wed, 02/15/2012 - 14:50

 Wheeeew-weeee!! I had a heck of a scare a few days ago. I thought my Xbox had up and died on me! Turns out, it was just Husband in the back, over-loading the power. *shakes head*

For those of you who have the newer slim model, you’ll know that it makes this bla-leep sound when you touch the buttons on the console. This sound was different.

I was playing my game like normal and then it made that sound, and then the power flashed, and it was off. The lights, the tv, even the computer, all still on, but not the box. So, logically, I tried to turn it back on with my controller, which didn’t work, so I tried 3 more times before walking over to the box to do it manually…. THIS is when I started freaking out, because it wouldn’t turn on. Did I miss the RROD? Did she give me signs I didn’t see? I’m sorry girl…!

So, then I checked the connections, then “re-booted” the power strip thingy, and it turned right on… whew!! That’s when I found out what Husband was up to. *shakes head again*

I turned off the computer and two lights that didn’t need to be on.

So, he has his own room in the back, where he does his computering, gaming, music, whatever. Most people would call it a “man cave,” He calls it “The Bat Cave,” I call it “The Dork Cave.”

Anywho, we close the door to it at night because the light from the monitors shines right in to the bedroom, and they bother me. So, this was two hours later, when Husband was getting ready for bed, he comes out and says to me:

 “I’m pretty sure I have a fire hazard going back there, so I’m gonna leave the door open tonight, ‘k?”

“Mhm…. Love You,” I reply.

Really, what else is there to say? He knows what he’s doing. He knows if he accidentally fries my Xbox I’ll make him sleep on the loveseat, which we correctly refer to as “The most diabolical torture device ever wrapped in leather – yes ever.”

Oooh, how I love that man o’ mine.

This week’s shout outs go to… wait for it… wamam87 – BAM! There it is! Hehe… And also to FreynApThyr – Your comment on my post Monday  made me laugh…. out loud!



Nunderw00b's picture
Submitted by Nunderw00b on Wed, 02/15/2012 - 19:29
haha your husband is my Hero!
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Thu, 02/16/2012 - 06:31
"The Dork Cave" ROFL On a more serious note (not really) - give a call to an electrition and get an estimate for getting rewiring done. While he is there innocently ask him about the firehazard and ask for suggestions. Write down everything he tells you so you can 'share' with your hubby in detail. He will percieve it as another man moving in on his turf. That should motivate him to come up with a better solution before gyour XBOX really does get fried.

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