Are they Identical?


Shared on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 18:15

I want you to keep this in mind... the word "identical" means EXACTLY THE SAME.

Now I realize that when I take my children with me, I create a specticle. Not only for having twins and a toddler, but for taking then with me by myself. These are some of the questions that I get and I have to wonder, "what are they thinking"? So here is how the conversation usually pans out...

Other person: " Oh... how old is your baby?" Me: "THEY... are four months old." Other person: " Oh my god... you have twins!!!" Me: " yeah...(thinking duh)" Other person: "Do you have boys or girls?" Me: " a boy and a girl" Other person: " are they identical?" Me: (giving a look like a dog would to a funny noise head turned sideways and confused look on my face) "I have a BOY AND A GIRL!!!" Other person: (slightly confused look) "So are they identical?" Me: (frustrated) "No, identical means exactly the same in every way shape and form... genetically they would have to be the same sex." Other person: "I see... that must be hard. How do you do it?" Me: I take them out of the closet for a few hours each day only to let them eat and then I move them to the dog kennels where they sleep." Other person: (hopefully realizing I am being a smart ass...) "Hah Hah... You have your hands full. How fo you do it?" Me: "Oh, no! I think I could handle a couple more!" Other person: (surely realizing now that I am being a smart ass) " I don't know that I could do that. I think that would be too hard." Me: "well, you either step up or you don't. I have to finish my shopping now... thanks for stopping."

I don't mind showing off my children as I think they are very adorable. However, when I am doing my grocery shopping by myself, (and it usually take a couple hours including driving time) I have a very limited time that I can do it without the babies waking up to eat. They eat every 3-4 hours and I am trying to accomplish this before they wake up to eat again. You know unload the kids, put one in a pouch on my chest another in the car seat that goes in the seat portion of the cart and Samantha in the basket. Or I take the stroller and put Samantha in the seat of the cart and then I have a train. This already is a very daunting task only to have someone stop you. I don't recall getting stopped as much when Samantha was the only one I had... however now that I have them all, I guess I notice it more and feel obligated to stop and listen to their banter. More often then not I hear, so and so (either in their family or someone they know) has twins or triplets. I think to myself, so you've seen theirs why must you stop me. I'm on a schedule and need to get this done before they wake up to eat... because if they happen to wake up to eat while I am in the parking lot loading up, I won't be able to leave that parking lot for another 30 minutes to an hour as I can only feed one baby at a time. Where as I could double fist it if I were at home. So I smile and say politely " nice talking with you" and continue on after I hear their story. And then continue to shop... I may get stopped 2-4 more times after that and each time take anywhere from 5 mintues to 15 minutes. And if I get stopped 4 times at 15 minutes each time I am now an hour behind and are sure to have to feed the babies in the parking lot.




OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 16:44
Yeah after the cutesie stage wears off and they get older we got a lot less comments. A lot because they aren't identical, most now think their sisters but a year apart. You get to where you handle the attention easier and some of the dumb comments just roll down hill. Theres a picture of my girls on my blog, their still "cutesie" to Dad! Good luck, enjoy.
FreddyC's picture
Submitted by FreddyC on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 20:21
I am SO glad that I am not the only one that gets irritated when people stop me, in the middle of whatever I'm doing, to ask me about my boys. They are identical, so the first thing I get is "Are the twins"? I'm thinking "No, they're puppies", but I generally say yes if I answer at all. Then I get "Are they identical"? My response to that is "You tell me. Can you tell them apart"? 9 out of 10 can't. I can, though. That's what happens when you haven't had a full nights sleep in 14 months; you tend to find patterns. Then the questions come: How do you do it, how old are they, how much did they way, etc. Then the "I know someone with twins" story comes. My wife, bless her heart, fields these with a smile. Me? Not so much. They're two babies, people. They just happen to be born at the same time and look damn near alike. Nothing to see here ... move along, please .... Freddy C.
MrsRockcrawler's picture
Submitted by MrsRockcrawler on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 22:48
My twins were conceived naturally. They run in my family very prominently. My mother's side has them every generation and my father;s side is every other generation. ProvingUnique- You have a beautiful family. And yes, I can usually predict how the conversation will go when I am stopped. FreddieC- I am much like your wife in that I tend to just smile and slowly start to move away. I just can't believe that with the education you know that we ALL received, that some people can be so STUPID!!! I mean, come on! Really... you can't tell them apart. I don't know, blue eyes and brown eyes. One is significantly bigger then the other. I actually had an old lady stop me to ask if she could look and started lecturing me on how she had to use cloth diapers and what a dirty job it was. She then point out that she thought my son (who happen to be sharing his sister's pink blanket) was her favorite. I then told her that my son was a boy and she promptly changed her response. Ok! Whatever! I am just glad to know that I am not the only one out there that has had these encounters.
DreadPirate75's picture
Submitted by DreadPirate75 on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 18:33
But you never answerd the question...are they identical??? ;-)
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 18:42
Wow, you must have your hands full. How do you do it? :lol:
bunsen27's picture
Submitted by bunsen27 on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 18:53
I see you've gone for the shamelss way of getting lots of blog reads by using a hot chick as your blog picture (yes I know it's you so tell Rock to sit back down) versus solid content :) Just kidding about the content, very well written not withdrawing the the hot chick comment until I come to TX and Rock threatens to take a swing at me. "So how do you feed them both at the same time...oh wait a minute I think I've got the breats ehr I mean jest of it" :)
CarbonChemist's picture
Submitted by CarbonChemist on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 19:50
FEELIN' YOU Father of identical twin boys here. My wife works every other weekend, so I go out with my boys alot by myself. The funny thing is most people don't realize that they are identical and think that they can tell the difference between them by their appearance. People have even told me which one was born first based on their size (incorrectly, and they were C-section so does it really matter??) ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? I know the difference only by personality and certain markings which I recognize from a year of observation. There is no way you can know any differences by a glancing look. Don't even get me started on being a male and out with twins. I always get asked where my wife is. Do you get asked were your husband is?? ... Okay I know that I don't have breasts but after a certain stage (1 year is defenitly past that stage) I am perfectly capable of taking care of my kids by myself. That being said, I LOVE showing off my twin boys. Okay you can have your blog back now.
LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 01:12
lol, my friend with B/G twins gets that all the time. Shes gotten to the point where she looks at them and says "I dont know, are a vagina and a penis identical?" I dont have twins, but I have a 1,3,& 5 year old. We get lots of comments too. Yes they are planned, yes we go shopping by ourselves all the time, no, its none of your business if we are having more.... Yeah, you get the picture. lol I cant imagine how much worse it must be with twins. BTW, didnt you know the rule? if you are going to talk about your twins, you have to post pictures of them ;)
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 09:35
AND THOSE TWINS!!!!!!! sorry, could not help my self. Happen to like Coors Light.
rockcrawler69's picture
Submitted by rockcrawler69 on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 10:33
Don't let her fool you, she is a PROUd and wonderful mother that loved to show off our beautiful children. It does get a little old, but she is always a Crhistie cort of way!!!! [img][/img]
MrsRockcrawler's picture
Submitted by MrsRockcrawler on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 11:32
I don't typically get asked "where is your husband?" I do agree with you that people try to figure out who was born first... and most think that since my son is bigger, he had to be born first! I say, not so. My daughter was born first. eight minutes later my son came out waving his hand to the world and testing the air before gracing us with his presence. I think I also like that people try to recover from the ignorant statement and say... well they can look alike. Ok, well, if that's the case then most definitely my children do not as one has blue eyes and the other has brown. My children resemble their parents. My son looks like Nashu... very handsome. My daughters look like me, (for now) both of them very beautiful! I actually had a co worker tell me that he wasn't as smart as I was because he didn't "study" the human body. Ok... at some point I told him he was a dumbass. Not only for telling me he was stupid but telling me that I had studied the human anatomy. I mean... geez, he just got his wife pregnant. You mean to tell me that you can't tell the difference? You have issues! Here are the pictures of the babies... [img][/img]
tait's picture
Submitted by tait on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 14:24
People love to check out the Twins, MrsRock - it's just a fact of life. :-)
ProvingUnique's picture
Submitted by ProvingUnique on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 17:31
twins are becoming very popular these days , all the fertility drugs and whatnot. i know what you mean i have 2 and a half twin boys; everytime we had the stroller in the mall when someone stops yah you knew exactly how the conversation was going to play out... then you laugh about it while you walk away right? lol. Congradulations on your family! remember double the diapers double the toys double the fun!

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