Considering a Vasectomy?


Shared on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 23:43

Just read some of GIJoeBob's posts and thought I'd put a little info out there too.

The typical vasectomy takes roughly 8-15 minutes to perfom depending on the skill level of the surgeon/urologist and the type of procedure they are performing. Some do local anesthetic only. For comfort reasons, I would look for performance with IV sedation, usually Versed and Demerol, but general can be utilized easily as well, if health of the patient allows. If anything other than local is used, someone needs to drive you home.

A 1/4" to 1/8" incision is made on each side of the scrotum, then the vas deferens (sperm tube) is dissected away from the spermatic veins and excised giving you two ends of a tube. Some will cauterize the ends, others will use surgical grade stainless clips to close the tubes. The risk of the 2 two tubes overlapping or meeting end to end and recanalizing(becoming patent, thus making you fertile again) is about 1 in 2,000. The incision can be closed with adhesive glues/bandages, suture, or hemostatic clamping (nothing to take out later). There are incisionless procedures out can do the reading and make your own decision.

You can generally resume any activity 24 hours later with no injury worries. Swelling and discomfort will vary from person to person. A weekend usually does the trick.....Although some will be fine the very next day, the unfortunate can have up to 14 days of unpleasant tenderness, although this is uncommon.

A sample will need to be provided to the surgeon to check for sperm after roughly 20 ejaculations. Whether that takes 3 days or 2 months is up to you, your wife, and Johnson's baby oil. And yes, the sample can be stored in the fridge. Remember!! You are just as fertile when you leave as when you stepped in the door....until that sample is cleared.

Points to remeber:

1. Your sex drive is not affected. Really, it's not.

2. Yep, you will still see an ejaculate, as the vast majority of what you see is secretion from the prostate, not sperm.

3. Use some form of birth control until your sample is cleared.

If anyone has questions, feel free to ask away.

..however due to the insidious nature of society, that I seem to be relieved from temporarily here I must put...

(DISCLAIMER: The above information is accurate and correct. Consult your family doctor for any medical advice. The author cannot be held liable for the information contained herein.)



eksessiv's picture
Submitted by eksessiv on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 23:50
I really hope I never have a friend who would store that in their fridge lol. That's like a sacred place.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Thu, 05/31/2007 - 06:27
Very nice description!

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