GRAW > Halo2


Shared on Mon, 04/10/2006 - 13:19
After recently picking up GRAW and playing through it, and then hitting the live side of it. And then jumping back into some Clan MM of Halo2, I realized that Halo2 has lost it zest, let me explain why for me. 1) Running and Gunning vs Tactical well thought out manouvers 2) Multiple weapon selections 3) Evironments 4) Clarity These are just a few things off the top of my head, what does this mean for Halo2? Well it does not mean I will sell it off or trade, the game is excellent and still fun to play. I will still jump into the action of the clan, but it will not be with the same voratious appeitite that I once harbored for it. That said I am still an active Wheezin Geezer and will be for some time to come, and I hope that as more Geezers come online with the 360 I will get to enjoy the same comraderier that has been established in Halo2.


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