Screwed Again


Shared on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 10:16

Damn this shit gets old and in a big way, here is the story.

6 moths ago my wifes sister moved the Texas from Vegas, my wife invites her to live with us. Sister-in-law has 2 large dogs and has a serious drinking problem (1 1/2 cases a day, which my wife was paying for), With us 4 months and to lazy to find a job, dogs tear up house, wife get a her a cell phone to stay in touch. Beginning of May moves to Colorado to work for uncle and get more free room and board from him, doesnt get job and decides to move back to Vegas (aftering leeching off uncle for 2 1/2 months). Her mom send her $1000 to move (3rd time her mother has done this), all is good she is moving far away and I dont have to help support her.

Doh wrong remember the part where I mentioned the cell phone, just got the bill and it appears the she was on the phone this last month cause I just got a $582 fucking phone bill. Based on minutes of usage she talked 40 plus fucking hours at my expense and since it was a shared plan with my wife and daughter they got nailed because of her abuse. She has not given my wife a dime since the phone was given to her, I told her she can use the phone for 30 days from the point of the move then it is deactivated.

God this kinda family bullshit sucks ass.


SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 10:43
Send her the bill... I wouldnt give her 30 days, that is just 30 days for her to run the bill up even more.
neanderthal's picture
Submitted by neanderthal on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 10:58
I didnt want to give her 30 days, that is my wife plan. If it was fully up to me it would be shut off immediately. I would send her the bill, problem is that she will never pay it. So knowing that I will peace, and let the wife try to collect. LOL

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