WW III is it coming?


Shared on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 08:20

It really is scary when watching the news anymore, with the tension in the Middle East. And what scares me is that 90% threat seems to come from a religious group, Isalm and it teachings. Now I am not saying all Isalmic people are war crazy and want to kill everyone. But the radicalness of some of the groups, and even some of the countries is down right menacing. We are not the crusaders of old, which the muslim people always liken the rest of the world to. We respect their religion and their right to their beliefs, and yet the Islamic radicals be it either group or countries want to chop our head off (literally). But at the same time want our compassion for their people and request aid, and anything else they can get.

I will never understand fully what is going on, due to the liberalism and sensationalism in the US media. But one has to wonder will WW III be fought over Isalm and the rest of the World, or has it already started with the advent of all the terrorist bombings.

For the sake of the children, I certainly hope this never comes about and the madness in the world stops. Sadly I know this isnt true, and the radicalism wether here at home or abroad. It can belief and racially oriented, is sad. I can only hope that in this madness, that our children can find peace and happiness and live long full lifes.

Sorry for the ramblings


WallyBR's picture
Submitted by WallyBR on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 08:41
Heres a good essay on the subject youre discussing by Orson Scott Card (author of Enders Game): http://www.ornery.org/essays/warwatch/2006-03-26-1.html I found myself nodding the whole time I read the article. Later.
neanderthal's picture
Submitted by neanderthal on Wed, 04/12/2006 - 10:02
That was a good read, thanks for the link.

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