its all relative


Shared on Sun, 09/02/2007 - 20:54

so i spent the weekend helping my dad side his house. big big pain in the ass. the siding came off ok but one side of the house had to be repaired today. piecing crap together was real fun. and hes doing it so low tech it bugs me. i should have brought my work van so i could use a screw gun instead of a hammer and nails. i guess the tough thing is having your father treat you like your still a little kid sometimes when your a grown man with a job that requires you to be handy with tools. oh well. its his house. i just bit my tongue and did what he wanted. next weekend we will side it. that should be a blast considering the house is old as hell (100+ years) and everything is far from square. good experience for me though. ill know how to side a wonky house, next time if a do a square one it will be easy.

my sister and mother are having a word war right now, and i have to get in the middle of it before something gets really bad. i wouldnt get involved if my sister started things. my mom has evil tendencies. my sis just had a new baby 3 months ago so she is under enough stress.

my cousin and my best friend are getting a divorce. my cousin cheated on him. to bad. not fair to him at all. hes a good guy. and a member of this site. on a break though from video games so he can deal with this. things got really bad to. really bad. but things are getting better. and i think its good for him to be able to set the blame on her considering hes taking it so hard. if it was his fault things would just be worse. hes not talking to me now because he says its to hard. i understand. she is my cousin. and i think he was having a difficult time with me not taking sides because of the situation im in with being so close to them both. but he understands that now.

i guess thats about all for the blog for today.


Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Sun, 09/02/2007 - 22:32
Um, WOW. Good luck with everything that is going on!

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