Are You An Anti-Ameircan Lone Exteremist?


Shared on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 10:40


It's significant the FBI has decided to use the word "extremist" instead of "terrorist." Many Americans -- thanks to the incessant barrage of corporate media palaver -- think of Osama bin Laden or wild-eyed and bearded Muslims when the word "terrorist" is rolled out for effect. The FBI, however, wants us to think beyond the Arab terrorist stereotype. In other words, the threat is no longer limited to al-Qaeda. Now the crazed and violent terrorist very well may be your neighbor, the guy with a German or Irish surname. It may be your coworker. It may even be your brother-in-law.
Far right-wing militants and members of the so-called Army of God are indeed rare and hardly pose a threat to the American way of life. Timothy McVeigh notwithstanding, you are more likely to be killed by a non-political act of violence or run over by a drunk driver as you cross the street. Obviously, the FBI is well aware of the useful mythology of the lone killer (McVeigh, Oswald, Hinkley, Chapman, Sirhan, Ray) and has cynically decided to add this unlikely category to the pantheon of evil villains out to get us. No longer are the terrorists over there; now they are right here in your hometown.
But let's assume for a moment the FBI is correct. How would the FBI (now teamed up with the CIA and local law enforcement) go about catching these malefactors before they commit their dastardly deeds? "Investigators have intensified their use of covert monitoring using national security warrants and have questioned a few people who they believe might engage in violence, a precautionary step that in effect warns interview subjects that their activities may be under scrutiny."
In other words, more FBI taps, bugs, and black bag jobs.
(Kurt Nimmo)
Only YOU can wake up your fellow Americans. Having an opinion is NOT enough.
Do something TODAY to make a fellow American THINK.
This Weekend's Assignment: Just live… that’s all, just live.
That is the most rebellious thing to do in a society that wants you dead on the inside so you make a better worker drone.
Be alive.


TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 11:06
"Timothy McVeigh notwithstanding..."? You should look a little deeper into domestic terrorism, both on the right and the left. There are quite a few groups. True, we don't have women blowing themselves up in crowds, but there are active groups and the FBI does a pretty good job of tracking them and preventing violence.
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 11:15
I would say to you Pink, that there is far greater chance of either you or I getting killed by a disgruntled worker than a domestic political terrorist as far a mass murderers go. There article goes into the Left-wing extremists as well, but the excerpt presented helps make my point.
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 11:26
That is true. But it doesn't mean that the FBI should stop monitoring these groups. I spent nearly 10 years in Counterterrorism. There is a lot going on that I hope never hits the front page, from large groups to individuals.
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 11:37
It doesn't really matter what the new fancy media buzzword is. Let's stop with the semantics and waste no more breath on words like terrorists and extremists. Let's call them all what the really are: assholes. Now, they are a different kind of asshole than I am, and I am an asshole, just ask the ThumbsDownFairy. Now, that we've stopped the word games, we can aggressively pursue the assholes and hold them under water until the bubbles stop coming up and punch the hippies that think what they do is OK until they pee themselves and promise never to do it again. At that point we can live with Liberty and Justice for all, happily ever after.
millfire517's picture
Submitted by millfire517 on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 11:47
well if we are all assholes depending on if the thumbsdownfairy, then today i must be king asshole with my two blogs. other than that i agree with the top three completely.
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 11:55
I guess we should all form the 'Asshole of the Month' club. A lot of competition out there for the title. :)

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