Fear, fear, and more fear...


Shared on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 10:52
Finally got done with a campaign in Fear. It took me a few marathon sessions, and some amount of cursing, but it is done.

The cursing came out due a few issues - my having the wrong loadout for a battle, too many battles between saves and not knowing what to do during the semi-interactive cut-scenes. Example of bad loadout - HV, cannon and rockets, then running into those invisible fighters (cannon & rockets are not close-fire weapons and enemies can deflect the HV rounds). The point about saves - having fought through two firefights and surviving with 25% health, then walking into another one, without a med-kit available. Do all three again, and again, and again...

I tried one of the 'instant action' sessions, but the system froze on me. Twas okey, as I had attained a highly frustrated state. Guess I can try again later; maybe try a multiplayer sometime. Probably just verify the answer to the question 'what is a timmy?' (most likely a seriously irritating/vocal player).


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