Just play...


Shared on Sun, 11/23/2008 - 19:30

So I returned GOW2 after trying and failing to get anywhere on Hardcore. Just got stuck on Rolling Thunder. I could avoid the guided mortars, but that damned Reaver that comes up beside the drilling rig just wouldn't die no matter how many rounds to the face I gave it (and the damed turret over-heating didn't help).


"I thought NotStyro just wanted to listen to music or watch a DVD. Turns out he was there to game. With a gamer score of 6,180, I should have known that was the case. He rocked out to Duke Nukem 3D, and yeah... wow... my processor hurts..."

So now while I wait for Gamefly to send the next disc...Duke Nukem 3D.  I guess things could be worse, I could be playing Halo 1...




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