

Shared on Tue, 12/23/2008 - 10:31

NotStyro had to choose between watching TV and playing with me and I am happy to say I won... this time... Gamerscore is at 7,990 points. That is a profit of 225 points over last time! He rocked out to Call of Duty 4 acquiring 3 achievements, Far Cry® 2 winning 2 achievements, Hour of Victory picking up 5 achievements, Gears of War adding an amazing 14 achievements, and yeah... wow... my processor hurts...

I also want to mention/remind you that NotStyro is participating in a pretty slamming gamerscore challenge. Bookmark
this link now and check out all the action! 13 other competitors are racking up achievements and powering up their gamerscores, hoping to secure a victory! Out of all those people, NotStyro is currently parked at number 2. With 4 days to go, anything can still happen though... get on it!

14 Achievements in GoW?! I played a lot, but getting 14? Wow! While taking a break I also realized that it has been two years, to the month, since I've played Gears. Whats more is that I still remember some of the 'Acts', maps and such.

Far Cry 2 has been...interesting. It takes quite a while to play the game because you have to commute all over the place. Fighting at 'checkpoints' can breakup the driving a bit, but it still doesn't feel like you're doing anything. Might have to back-burner this until after Mulchy's challenge is complete.

HoV is a contrast to everything else I've played. It is sooo bad it makes Halo & Halo 2 look great by comparison. Wonky controls, wonkier AI and all just makes for a thoroughly craptastic experience. The game just makes some cheap achievement points, if you can stand the experience.


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