Third place...


Shared on Sat, 12/27/2008 - 10:17

"NotStyro showed up yesterday and we were like a superhero team together. I make a great sidekick! Gamerscore stands at 9,515. Up up and away right? That is a profit of 50 points over last time! He rocked out to Transformers: The Game finishing 3 achievements, and then he tried to watch TV, but I killed the power... If I can't have him, no one can. "

"Oh also, It's all over man! ALL OVER! The gamerscore challenge called 'Mulch's Holiday Challenge' is through after an intense 7 days. I hear first place is nice this time of year, though I really wouldn't know, since we didn't get there in this challenge. Someone once said, 'Winning isn't everything.' Although, losing isn't anything. NotStyro, I want you to think about this while you go sign us up for another challenge."

Yeah, just couldn't touch Snellstedt, so I'll accept third place in the challenge. Still, a fun and exciting challenge for all, but I don't thnk I'll do another for a long time.

Gotta return Incredible Hulk today so maybe I'll ask if they can can anything off the pre-owned price since I rented the game. See if the price matches or beats Gamefly.

Well, soon enough I can go back to my holiday gaming cycle, but in a week I'll restart the diet and exercise routine and have little time for play during my workweek.



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