The Move is over!!!


Shared on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 10:17
Well, we have completed the move to the new place. No more hearing the upstairs neighbors!!! We have a great townhouse with a killer lake view. We hired movers to move everything for us. However, of course after they leave I decide to move things around. Oh well, besides being extremely sore and tired from moving all the little things, I was too tired to game Friday night. I know this is totally bad of me, but a hot bath and bed just sounded more inviting.

However, we have a new addition to the family of gaming. We decided Friday to get a new TV. We were going to go LCD then we looked at Plasma.....needless to say mommy liked the plasma better. So that is what we bought. What do you think of the new set-up?


Codemunkee's picture
Submitted by Codemunkee on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 18:50
congrats on the new place
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 21:51
Effin' SWEET!! So frickin' jealous right now. Hope you get it all straight soon- so you can actually get to using the new tube!
DreadPirate75's picture
Submitted by DreadPirate75 on Mon, 09/18/2006 - 13:31
I want your TV Stand. Garr! Looks sweet.
RingZero's picture
Submitted by RingZero on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 17:31
That is a rather sweet stand and accompanying bookcase setup. Reminds me I'm going to have to invest in something nicer myself here shortly when I get the new system in place.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 02/19/2007 - 08:30
games and plasma don't get along well at all, but if you are going to game on it make sure you have atleast 100 hours of movie or TV time on it first before you do any prolonged gaming. The reason am telling you this is because we bought a Panasonic 42" plasma and the picture was amazing I mean i was drooling but after less than 2 weeks and about 3 hours of final fantasy I had an image burn in issue and pixel loss they told me I can wipe the screen clean with a bright white image but it didn't work so we returned it in favor of a sony grand Wega 3LCD rear Projection. Unfortunatly Plasmas are suseptible to too many screen issues no matter how great they look in the long run (3-5 years) you are better off with RP LCD and DLP.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 10:29
doh...not plasma! I've only heard bad things about plasma. Burn-in, liquid has to be replaced or charged...something like that. Looks sweet though. Wish I could afford to get my tv right now. Congrats on the move. Any pics of the layout of the place?
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 10:55
congrats on the move and the new toy! I am jealous, that is all I need is to have you and Gunz with a clearer view of me to shoot
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 11:08
Very nice! Leave a few things in boxes for a while and take time to enjoy.
sjam613's picture
Submitted by sjam613 on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 11:18
Sweet setup. Enjoy!
OneEvilBtch's picture
Submitted by OneEvilBtch on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 11:36
I am not stressed about the burn in. Plasma has come a long way, plus we got the extended warranty. Anything goes wrong and it is replaced. As for the unpacking, I can not stand things out of place, so it needs to get done. I am still looking for some new furniture. Need new living, dining and two dressers. And Rab, we got you in our sights dude!
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 11:43
nice set up OEB, hope you guys enjoy it. and congradulations on the move!!

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