Code of Conduct???


Shared on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 12:39

I recently had a Live friend of mine receive Code of Conduct for his motto. Knowing what his motto was and than seeing his motto replaced with CoC made me say WTF. While I'm on the whole WTF thing I will clue you in to what his motto said. His motto was "I put the F in WTF". I know, I know, the audacity of him to have something so offensive in his motto. In the world of Live, I can hear every racial slur, be told that I'm getting fucked in the ass or that so and so's dick is in my mouth. I can hear the women on my list get verbally assaulted when in games, but god forbid you have a perceived curse word in your motto. I say perceived because that is what it is. I know a lot of people in my life that don't let the F-BOMB fly from their mouth that often, so to soften the blow they say freak or freakin' in place of Fuck. Couldn't the letter F in the motto just as easily been perceived as freak? That is the issue, he didn't put F_** or some other way to express the word Fuck. He just had the letter F. I wonder if I could ask Minor Nelson a question, since all of us know what WTF means, when I see people have WTF in their Gamertags, should I be offended? I know people who have had to change their Tag because of drug references and the like. Don't quote me on this, I think the whole 420 thing was started in the 70's. I'm sure the majority of people know what that refers to. Applying the same logic to 420 and Gamertags, can I safely assume that 420 is an infraction to the TOS? Blatant referencing as opposed to perceived cursing in a motto somehow makes me scratch my head and say WhatTheFreak....


Dawnfades's picture
Submitted by Dawnfades on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 12:58
I might have put the F in WTF but Microsoft gave me the shaft!
SirRoberts's picture
Submitted by SirRoberts on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 13:16
Was it just the motto or was the bio gone to? If so, was something in the Bio questionable? Not saying I agree, but The difference in playing on live and having something in your motto/bio is usually the games you hear the most crap in are games rated "M". So there is some understanding that bad language can be going on. But a motto/bio can be seen by ANYONE. They may have been thinking more along the lines of if a kid goes and asks his/her parents "what does the "F" in "WTF" mean? I just saw it on XBOX Live.
ONTHEGAS's picture
Submitted by ONTHEGAS on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 13:30
Sir, I will have to ask Dawnfades exactly what was missing. I know I was comparing apples and oranges a little with the motto and Live. I guess my concern was with the Gamertags which can also be seen by anyone. Last night for example in COD, I ran across 4 tags with dank and 420 in the tags. How can there be so many of these tags running around? Believe me, I'm in no way offended by any drug reference. I just scratch my head when it comes to perceived cursing. I tend to think that if F is perceived to mean Fuck, than 420/dank/dro in a tag has to be perceived as what it is. A drug reference. Nice points though. Thanks for the comments.
fatLUNCH's picture
Submitted by fatLUNCH on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 13:34
nice money shot of beyonce!! ;)
ONTHEGAS's picture
Submitted by ONTHEGAS on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 13:41
Thanks fatLUNCH. That is my baby's momma. I just have to wait for her to get divorced like every other celebrity couple.
Arvind's picture
Submitted by Arvind on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 13:45
Hey, the COC is CLEAR that even the suggestion of profanity or lewdness is verboten. Plus, that Dawnfades guy has had more than his share of chances. Better to just let him go the way of Lotus :)
ONTHEGAS's picture
Submitted by ONTHEGAS on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 14:17
Does that go for GTs as well? I was playing the Snoopy game the other day, great game by the way. There was a GT in the room that was spelled FkinAlex. I played with a tag in COD last night, not sure if they are zeroes or not, but here it is from my recently played list. j00killa241. Here is one ALW4Y5H1GH420 from last night. itsmary420. smokindankk420. Obviously the one that is MOST offensive is j00killa241. For those of you that can't perceive what he is going for in his tag, I will clear it up. jewkiller is what I perceive it to be, let me know if I'm wrong. The COC may be clear, I'm just confused how the letter F is worse than jewkiller.
williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 14:51
Char says WTD. We think it means What the Deuce.
SirRoberts's picture
Submitted by SirRoberts on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 15:02
I understand what you are saying with the gamertags. And I agree that they are just as bad (or worse) than the WTF. I would say either they have not been reported yet or someone has not had a chance to check on it. Sometimes when I see an off the wall gamer tag, I look at the profile and you can tell it was a newly created one (only has a few hundred achievements and played only MW2). Some Timmy's get a kick out of seeing how long they can get away with a tag like that before getting it baned. Then they rinse and repeat.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 15:23
blarg. I hate to say it... but just cause you saw someone else with a worse tag, doesn't mean that your (or Dawn's) tag was OKay. Just pointing that out. But it IS interesting... I put the "F" in "WTF" really isn't that bad.... in fact "WTF" is (obviously) a polite way to say "Waht the Fuck" i't sort of like NOT swearing... It's kinda interesting about tags. "JayCat" is NOT a drug reference... (it's actually short form of a term of affection from my husband) but I can see how someone would (could) take it wrong... Also considering Urban Dictionary sort of creates slang terms.... something that is innocent (JayCat) could be construed as nasty. Note that a JayCat is supposedly someone who is insane in prison... or something like that. So back the "F" off :)
Habu06's picture
Submitted by Habu06 on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 15:27
I'm sorry,..... I'm hypnotized by your background... I think I see the sailboat! Anyway. It seems kinda silly to me to get a COC violation for "F" as in WTF. Case in point: It took me a while to learn FTW in gaming speak was "For the Win". To me FTW meant something TOTALLY different and I had a few times where I was reading a post seeing FTW, and thinking, huh? So in that respect, WTF can mean anything like, "Waffles Taste Fantastic!" (which they do by the way),
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 15:32
Silver, you need to read the Xbox Account Banning forum. It isn't that one person's gamertag or motto is more or less offensive than someone else. It's them getting reported and someone following up on the reports. I totally expect my gamertag to be reported sometime for having poon in it - even though poonga is a legitimate word. I've had forums that have a strict censor bot auto-censor my name on replies.
ONTHEGAS's picture
Submitted by ONTHEGAS on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 16:21
I should state again that GTs and mottos don't affect me one way or the other. I just chuckled when Dawn was given the CoC and there is so much worse out there in Live/GTs/mottos. I guess I chuckle at thinking with as much shit that goes on in the world on a daily basis, someone actually got offended by what basically breaks down to a letter. On top of that, big brother/Microsoft had to follow up this complaint and actually make a decision whether it was offensive. I just think they could have used some more common sense and know that at the end of the day, WTF isn't all that bad. Thanks for any and all replys.
Dawnfades's picture
Submitted by Dawnfades on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 17:16
Well it was just for the motto that I was CoC'd. It was in the e mail. The rest of what was changed to CoC was 1. my first name 2. my location which I had as Steel Mines of Western PA. I mainly just thought it was funny like Silver did. That being said it did irk me in that it is more of a thought crime. Like Habu6 posted FTW to me was always F the World not For The Win. Well lesson learned I just set my profile to private so only my friends can see it. Which means I expect Arvind to be constantly turning me in for CoC violations.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 17:45
PONCHO!!!! *waves hello* As you already know, I type to y’all “SOB” all the time = Sweet Obedient Boys! = ) WTD could = Wild Times Daily, or Walk Together Dudes, or as William said, "What the Deuce!"…LOL Now, why should M$ care? They don’t. Someone complained on him, and/or they needed to meet their ban quota for the month. It was a funny motto. You should put it in your sig. M$ needs a rebellion smacked on them.
PeepshowJanitor's picture
Submitted by PeepshowJanitor on Sat, 06/12/2010 - 00:56
Wait'll these tim tims finally figure out what my name means. I'll be banned soon enough, though, it has been 7 years now.

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