Ack! The evil twin!


Shared on Sat, 10/06/2007 - 11:35

I woke up this morning in a mood!  I was thinking, yet again, about all my losses over the parents, my son and sister to mental illness, friends, family, etc.  Then I started feeling sorry for myself, again!  BUT!  My evil twin started to take over and wow! did she give me a talking to!  I went to the gym and she was right there, getting madder and madder.  Why should I feel bad or take the blame for anything at all?  To quote another blog I read recently (thanks, Em)

I am a good Woman

I am a good Woman

I am a good Woman


Now, my evil twin has a few things to say......

For those that have neglected, abandoned, treated badly, ignored, or whatever, my "good twin", stick it where the sun don't shine!  She would give anyone that asked the shirt off her back, and not only that, she's nice, too, not like me!  She never gets mad, I have to do it for her!  And I am really PISSED OFF!  Why?  Who cares why.  She has gotten the wrong end of the stick just toooooo many times.  And, YOU, you know who you are, DELETED!!!  Y'all have a nice life now.  That's all.


SexKitten's picture
Submitted by SexKitten on Sat, 10/06/2007 - 12:07
You tell them Pearly!!!! Thumbs up for speaking your mind!
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Sat, 10/06/2007 - 12:19
Point me in a direction and give me a name. I shall wield the Wiffle Bat of Justice whilst howling your name as my battlecry! :D Happy Saturday morning! You are a great woman. Like I tell Emmy- Pearly is my hero! :)

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