Shared on Thu, 05/29/2008 - 06:53I woke up at around 5:00 this morning and told myself, not today, so I managed to go back to sleep. Last night I got a call that I was not needed at work today cuz we were overstaffed. Boooo. Doesn't happen often, but it does. So, maybe that is what started it? Or, maybe it is years and years of listening to "that wouldn't have happened if you....." or "this happened cuz you never....." or "you should have done <whatever> so .......". I call them snipes. Whatever. Now the dream...
I was at work, on an ordinary day, and I found myself surrounded by the charge nurse, some coworkers, and even one from a job many years ago. Where did she come from?? The charge nurse started in on all the things I was doing "wrong" and how patients had suffered from it. Then I said, "just get to the point. If I am fired, just say so" and she said "OK, you're Fired!" OMFG! Of course, I immediately started to defend myself, and my "faults" were pointed out to me by many coworkers. I went to each individually, and found that they had actually been setting me up in situations where I didn't know how to do something, and then watching me and documenting the mistakes I made. Then I also found out that they were only pretending to be my friends, and didn't like me at all! In fact, disliked me a lot! Yikes! So, I packed up all my stuff and loaded it into a wagon and pulled it down to the bus stop. The wagon was too big to get on the bus, so I had to call my mother to come and get me. My mother has been dead for over 10 years! And she came! And she drove my old '62 Ford to pick me up in! Whew. That was the condensed version. It was a very long dream, and ran sorta like a movie. I was extremely unhappy when I woke up.....
So, to make my morning even worse, I went into the laundry room to get something, and, there, on the blinds, was a HUGE ROACH! Yes, we have them sometimes. We live in the woods. Roaches live in the woods. But the houses in the woods is where the best food is. It is a constant battle, one that we win most of the time, but sometimes one or two get into the house. I ran screaming from the laundry room "Critter!" in search of something to kill it with. NO! I cannot stand the crunch when you squash them. Ah! I found something. BAthroom cleaner! Yes! I foamed him to death! Sprayed and flushed. End of story. Whew!
- pearly_54's blog
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Submitted by MikeJames on Thu, 05/29/2008 - 08:03
Submitted by Banshee3 on Thu, 05/29/2008 - 08:40
Submitted by pearly_54 on Thu, 05/29/2008 - 10:54
Submitted by Banshee3 on Thu, 05/29/2008 - 14:00